Nehemiah 10:1-27 Sealed

The list of signers is LONG. Those who have consented to follow the Lord’s commandments. They put their names on the seals.
When I think of someone signing something I don’t picture it being on the outside of it. At least that is where I think of seals as being on a document. It could be a seal on the document itself instead of sealing it closed. I’m thinking it was probably the latter. This way anyone coming afterwards could read exactly what it was that was promised in writing.
Still, that is a LOT of seals. If each were a wax seal the entire edges of the document would be filled with seals. Almost like a border of seals. There were 23 priests, including Nehemiah. Seventeen Levites are listed as having affixed their seal. Forty-four leaders of father’s houses are the last ones stated as having signed this document.
I wonder how they chose the order for signing/sealing the solemn oath. Did they go by group then by ranking within the group? Did they go by who volunteered first? Did they form a line or pass it around? Were any reluctant to sign?
Were they all acutely aware of the gravity of this promise? This was a promise made to God and witnessed before men. It was a promise NOT to follow in their fathers’ footsteps. How long would this promise last? I’m praying for an eternity! This was NO ‘pie crust promise’ (easily made, easily broken). It was intended to be iron clad. NO loopholes. NO ‘but I didn’t understand’. NO ‘I had my fingers crossed’. NO ‘I only did it because everyone else was doing it’.
This was from their heart to God’s. A tether to keep them in place when they felt they were falling or were in danger of falling. An anchor for their souls. One they could physically point to in times of distress. The anchor holds!
Father God, I can’t count how many promises I’ve made and broken over my life, even ones I’ve made to You. The one I NEVER want to break is to ALWAYS love You with my WHOLE heart, mind, and body. I don’t have a written contract where I signed my name but I have one where You did. It’s my bible. Jesus signed it in His own blood! NOTHING is stronger than that. John 3:16 is the sum of that promise. A covenant promise instead of a contractual one.
Lord, I give You ALL of me. Take me and make of me what You will. I want to be EVERYTHING You called me to be.