Micah 6:9-16 Grievous Blow

God is pronouncing judgment on Israel for their wickedness. “I will strike you with a grievous blow, making you a desolation because of your sins” (verse 13).
Israel’s ‘business practices’ are first on God’s list of grievances. “Deceitful weights”, “wicked scales”, violence, and lies are the operating standard of the day. The merchants and the rich used these measures to line their pockets and steal what little the poor had. But it didn’t stop there. God charges the “inhabitants”, meaning ALL the classes for their lies.
ALL of Israel had also adopted idol worship. They rejected God’s standards but “kept the statutes of Omri, and all the works of the house of Ahab” (verse 16a). Omri, and his son Ahab, were deep into idol worship. They clung fast to the golden calves that Jeroboam had made. Omri’s son Ahab allowed his wife Jezebel free reign regarding spiritual matters. She had a HUGE contingent of Baal priests. These are the same priests that Elijah faced in a showdown of power. Baal – 0, God – a resounding 1!
Even though Baal lost, BIG TIME, the northern kingdom of Israel never walked away from worshiping Baal. By the time of Micah, God had had enough! Their judgment was sealed. God’s indictment against them stood true. They were found guilty on all counts.
Their punishment wasn’t immediate exile. First, they would suffer the removal of God’s hand of blessing from their works. “You shall eat, but not be satisfied, and there shall be hunger within you; you shall put away, but not preserve, and what you preserve I will give to the sword. You shall sow, but not reap; you shall tread olives, but not anoint yourselves with oil; you shall tread grapes, but not drink wine” (verses14-15). ALL that they had worked for would be stripped away through drought, famine, and military might.
EVERYTHING they had put their trust in would fail. Their wealth would slip through their fingers. Ther ability to produce food for their people would fail them. Even the strong drink they could use to ‘forget their troubles’ would be taken away. Their gods could not deliver them from the hand of the TRUE God. And, eventually, they would fall and be taken into captivity; away from the very home they were so proud of.
God said, ‘If you don’t want Me, you don’t get MY gifts.’ God has MANY gifts He longs to pour out on His people. I’m not preaching the ‘health, wealth, and prosperity’ doctrine floating around today. I’m saying that God has GOOD things for those who trust in Him and ask Him to be Lord of their lives.
The FIRST gift He gives those who are His is peace. Not the peace like the world gives, but HIS peace; the assurance that you are HIS. That alone is worth MORE than ALL the wealth the world has to offer. His second gift is His continual presence in our lives. His Holy Spirit resides in us and we will NEVER walk alone. These two gifts are our strength and foundation in ANY storm. You can’t buy them or earn them. They are His FREE gifts to ALL who come to Him with an open and searching heart.
Father God, THANK YOU for Your gifts. Thank You that I NEVER walk alone. Thank You also for Your correction. For bring me back when I wander. I do NOT want to go through the judgment that Israel faced. I choose YOU above ALL else. For there is NOTHING of value in this world apart from You.