Micah 3:1-12 Leaders Denounced

Micah cries out against the leaders of Israel. Her rulers and prophets are denounced for their evil in leading the people. God HATED their ways!
God tells Micah to call out the leaders of Israel for their treatment of the people as well as their role in leading them into sin. “Aren’t you the ones who SHOULD know justice? Instead, you love evil and hate good. You rip people apart with your ‘rulings’. You chop them to pieces and toss them into a ‘stew’ for your own feast!”
The rulers are as crooked as a cork screw and are out for themselves. And they have taught the people to be this way too. Funny thing is, when the people get upset about this treatment, they turn to God for help. The SAME God they didn’t have time for before they found themselves in trouble. The SAME God they refused to listen to when He sent them warnings of what was to come. The SAME God they swore allegiance to but broke that promise the moment it meant laying down some pleasure they wanted more. NOW they want God to come to their rescue.
“NOT happening”, says God. They were getting just what they ‘paid’ for with their actions.
God then turns His attention to the prophets. The men who were supposed to speak FOR HIM to the people. Those who would admonish them when they needed it. Those who would call them back to Him. Those who would guide the nation if following His leading. Those who NOW call evil good and good evil. Who take money for pronouncing ‘good’ things for those who ask. Who God is refusing to speak to or through because they are corrupt.
God is putting the FASLE prophets to shame. Making their words known for the lies they are. He is standing silent, no matter how hard they look. They are not looking for truth in the first place. They are looking for what pleases the people. And the people are NOT pleased at hearing that they are sinning against God. Not in a little way but in a consistent and continual rebellion against Him.
They can’t possibly think that God would give them ‘glad tidings’ and ‘pleasant answers’ when they are seeking the same from the idols! The people are seeking ‘favor’ from everywhere but God. This is a ‘top down’ system. The worship of idols started at the top, leaders, and flows to even the lowest people on the rungs of Israel’s society.
Yes. There are those who don’t follow their leader’s directives and continue to follow God. But those people are in the smallest minority. I have NO DOUBT that these people are still hearing God in their lives. They refuse to bow down to the idols provided by the king. They seek favor from NONE but the Lord. And I believe He hears them and honors their faithfulness.
Micah is an example of one who STILL follows God, no matter what the leadership does. And he cries out with God’s words against them. “Therefore because of you Zion shall be plowed as a field; Jerusalem shall become a heap of ruins, and the mountain of the house a wooded height” (verse 12).
Because of the leadership, Israel WILL fall. Because the people follow those leaders, they will fall too. There IS a cost for turning away from God, and they ARE going to pay it in full.
In our world today, we have MANY leaders who lead the people away from God. Some who outright punish any who believe in Him. There are myriads who ‘sell justice’ to the highest bidder. Many who pretend to hear from God so they can trick others into following their lead. My ‘advice’ is to be alert to their schemes. Check out what you hear with God’s word. If it doesn’t match up, RUN the other way! Don’t blindly follow someone because the wear the ‘label’ of Christian. Look at their character and ONLY ‘sign up’ when that character demonstrates love for one another.
There IS judgment coming on our world. As surely as it came for Israel and Judah, it is coming for ALL the earth. Where will you be standing when that judgment comes? With the ‘crooked’ leaders or with those who follow the Lord with ALL their hearts? The choice is ours. This is the ULTIMATE dividing choice. It always was and always will be. “Choose this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your fathers served in the region beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you dwell. But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord” (Joshua 24:15b).
Father God, I choose YOU. I KNOW I’m not always following Your paths as closely as I should. I tend to ‘wander’ a bit. But You always bring me back. THANK YOU Father for that! For calling out to me when I wander. For leading me daily in Your ways. For NEVER giving up on me, no matter what!
Help me draw closer with each day. Keep me from straying so far that I can’t hear Your voice calling me back. Continue forging an unshakable bond that I cling to every day. I can’t imagine my life without You! NOTHING is more valuable or important to me than You. NOTHING can EVER take Your place!!! NO ‘incentive’ can entice me away from You.