Malachi 2:10-16 Faithless

Judah and Israel have been faithless in their covenant with God. They received correction for their actions but have returned to those acts once again.
Bringing in women of foreign nations as brides was the downfall of Solomon and the rise of idolatry in Israel. It was the first step in walking away from God and the breaking of His covenant. The introduction of someone desired more than relationship with God.
God’s people had just come back to Him after their HARD lesson. His House had been rebuilt. And they were turning to Him as their source of hope. But it wasn’t a whole hearted adherence to his Laws. Yes, they were seeking God’s favor and offering the required sacrifices. Yet, something was getting in the way of that relationship.
The problem was that they were abandoning the wives of Judah in favor of the foreign wives. From what I can gather from our text, they weren’t simply searching for foreign wives when the man came of marriage age but actually divorcing the wives of Jewish descent in favor of the foreign wives. “I don’t love you anymore. Nothing you can do about it. I want more excitement/something different.”
This was divorce without ‘cause’. Our society calls it “no fault divorce”. “I just ‘fell out of love’ with you.” This reminds me of my own marriage history. My ex-husband (by HIS choice) walked away because he “didn’t love” me anymore. I actually used HIS words above. He didn’t say the part about more excitement though. I will admit to having a HUGE argument with him over changes he had made that we had discussed IN DETAIL before we even got married. I gave him an ultimatum that I shouldn’t have and regret to this day. I told him that, if these ‘changes’ took his health, I wouldn’t stand by and watch it happen. I wouldn’t divorce him but neither would I watch him kill himself by his choices. He actually died before reaching the age of 60 because of his lifestyle choices.
I was thinking about Judah’s issue with foreign wives and was reminded of a braid. I wanted to know if a braid of three strands was stronger than a braid of four. The reason for this was because I was thinking about all the parts that were brought into relationships. Before I forget, ALL STRANDS BEING EVEN, a braid is stronger with more strands.
When entering into a relationship where both parties are committed to the Lord, He is the ‘third’ strand in the braid. He is also the strongest strand. When one or the other of the two strands has a weak spot, the other two can support it while it regains its strength. When one or two of the strands breaks away completely, the braid loses its strength all together. Its integrity fails.
In a relationship where each party is committed to a different ‘source’ there isn’t really any true intertwining. There is nothing shared at the core so no real braid. If they were to try and ‘braid’ God with another god, it would result in a shredding instead of melding. God WILL NOT share His love and place with another. The other would be cut to pieces coming against the FIRM boundaries of God. And anyone trying to cling to both would also be ‘cut to pieces’ in the process.
Thinking about this breaking reminds me of the story of Adam and Eve and their choices. When Eve ate of the tree God told them not to, Adam chose her over God when he too ate the forbidden fruit. The two who had been clinging to the One chose to cling to each other instead. They removed the third strand from their braid and fell to the ground broken. They would have each other but never again have the same strength in their bond that they once had. God didn’t abandon them but their relationship with Him was never the same again.
For a marriage to be STRONG, each must share the same Core and value that core as much, if not more, than ANYTHING else. NO ‘fourth strand’. No divided loyalty. No looking for something better or more exciting.
YES. There WILL be times of struggle. There will also be times of JOY. Cling to the One who connects you above ALL else and He will strengthen that bond in ways you never would have imagined. He can even restore ‘love’ when it ‘fails’ IF you hold fast and let Him have His perfect work. I have seen this with my own eyes and KNOW that He can do this for those who turn to HIM together for healing in their relationship.
Father God, THANK YOU for the healing I’ve seen in relationships where YOU are first. THANK YOU for bringing to me a husband who shares You as his core too. We are not on the same level of understanding and knowledge but we are BOTH clinging to You with ALL our hearts! That is what binds us and keeps me going in the hard times.