Luke 22:7-13 The Preparations God Made

We are entering the last days before Jesus’ final sacrifice. We don’t know exactly what time it was when His disciples came and asked Him where He wanted to eat the Passover meal, but we know that within 24 hours after eating it He would be dead. Dead but not finished. I’m getting ahead of myself here. Let’s slow down and savor the last moments with Him.
The day of Unleavened Bread was the official beginning of the Passover celebration. Luke tells us that on that day the Passover lamb was killed and prepared for the meal that would take place that evening. Luke also tells us which of His disciples Jesus tasked with the job of preparing the lamb, finding the room, and preparing the supper. He chose two of His closest disciples; Peter and John.
Peter and John didn’t say, “Why us” but “where” instead. Jesus gave them more than they asked for. He told them “how” to recognize “who” He was sending them to, “where” they would be following the identified person to, and “what” to say to him to communicate
Jesus’ need. He didn’t leave ANY room for confusion. One thing my bible helps pointed out was that carrying the water jars was a woman’s job. So finding a man doing this was a rarity. Peter and John didn’t have to choose between a multitude of men carrying jars, just follow the one Jesus had said would be there.
I wonder why this man was carrying the water. Was his wife ill? Was he a single man? Was he specifically told by God to do this job this day? So many people will tell you h0w they did something “by accident” and how God worked in them or through them as a result. I don’t think there are “accidents” in God’s plan. We may not know why we walk down a certain road or do an unaccustomed task, but God does. Have you ever felt like you NEEDED to do something but you didn’t really know why? That could have been God moving you to the place He needed you to be. To the place where He could use you. I think that may be where our man carrying the water jar came in that day.
Not only did the man have to be obedient in carrying the water but he had to willingly prepare the upper room without the certainty of it being used. This was a prime time for visitors and tourists in Jerusalem. Did many people prepare places for others to rent/use for their Passover celebration? But how many of them had a room large enough to accommodate Jesus’ party?
Jesus didn’t send them on a scouting expedition to look for a large enough room. Nor did He tell them to ask about or put the word out. He simply told them what to look for and what to do once they saw it. I wonder if Him and God talked about it the night before. Did God tell Him the arrangements He had put in place? God would have had to prepare the man beforehand. I LOVE that aspect of this story. How God set the table for His Son’s last meal with His disciples. How God made sure Jesus was comfortable and cared for during this last celebration. One last quiet time before the storm.
Thank You Father that we can see Your preparations. That we can see the love You poured out to Your Son and His followers this final night. I wonder how often they looked back and remembered how You prepared this blessing for them in advance. How often do I notice the things You do in advance for me? I try and thank You each time I do notice Your hand at work in my life. But sometimes Your preparations sail right by my notice. Forgive me Lord for not noticing the little things You do for me; the big ones too. Help me listen when You prompt me to do something that You want to use to bless someone else too. Let me be the “water bearer” sometimes. I pray I will faithfully listen when You speak. Open my heart to Your direction.
May 7, 2017 @ 10:02 PM
Perfectly spoken really!
May 8, 2017 @ 3:06 AM
Thanks for visiting my site and your words of encouragement. I pray He used what I posted to change you life for the better. I would love to hear how you are doing in your walk with Jesus. Please feel free to join in anytime.