Jeremiah 29:24-32 Poison Pen

Shemaiah is another false prophet and is writing ‘poison pen’ letters to those he believes should be in charge. He orders those against him put in stocks.
The order of events in this section is a bit confusing. I was thinking that this was part of the letter to the exiles that we were just reading, but I’m not certain of that. Looking at it a little closer, I’m convinced that this was a later exchange that was promoted by Jeremiah’s first letter. The reason being that God’s command to ‘get comfortable’ is referenced. Also the fact that Shemaiah’s letter was read to Jeremiah before his response.
It also looks as if this is not Shamaiah’s first letter home. He had to have written one to choose his voice in Jerusalem; Zephaniah. This is who was charged to put anyone saying that the exile would last very long in chains. No ‘freedom of speech’ there! And NO disagreeing with Shemaiah’s prophesies.
But there is ONE person whom Shemaiah will not touch; Jeremiah. Either he is too afraid of Jeremiah or God is restraining him. It could be that he has already witnessed Zedekiah and Ahab’s deaths, just as Jeremiah said it would happen. Whatever the reason, Zephaniah thinks it is worth bringing to the attention of Jeremiah.
Could this be a taunt by Zephaniah? Or was he truly confused by the discrepancy? Jeremiah was put in stocks once before. But the one who did it, Hananiah, was “removed from the face of the earth” shortly after doing so. Zephaniah certainly wouldn’t want THAT fate! Maybe it was safer to inform Jeremiah of Shemaiah’s words than to try and enforce them.
GOD is the one who passed sentence on Shemaiah. God is the one who ended Shemaiah’s lineage. Jeremiah didn’t have to lift a finger against Shemaiah, other than to write to him and tell him SPECIFICALLY what God said about his prophecy. God not only protected Jeremiah but He protected His name and reputation. God would see to it that only HIS word would be proven true.
God is VERY capable of standing up for His own words. He has already proven them out in MANY ways. And He will continue to do so for the rest of eternity. But those of us who stand for that word, He stands up with us. NO. This does NOT mean ‘smooth sailing’ all the time. It means, however, that He will stand with us in the storm. And come what may, we are SAFE in His hands. Jeremiah didn’t care what Shemaiah’s instructions were. He would speak the truth BOLDLY in God’s name.
Father God, make me that brave! Help me to stand up to whatever the enemy tries to throw at me. Don’t let it change how I speak for You. You know there are some topics that I have a harder time dealing with because I don’t want to offend people. But, in the places where it all matters, make me like the tree planted by the water. Where my roots runs SO DEEP that I can’t be uprooted and won’t accept another source. Keep me walking in Your word ALWAYS; no matter the cost.