Isaiah 44:1-5 Chosen

Israel is God’s chosen people in flesh. Those of us who surrender our lives to Him are also His chosen. He KNEW we would come before we were even born.
I’m having a rough day today because of some financial choices I made in the past. They are coming back to bite me. So, this message fits me today. Judah, at the point of this prophecy, is at a point where they are making some pretty big mistakes. With even worse ones looming on the horizon of history. I’m assuming Isaiah gave this word during Ahaz’s time and not Manasseh’s. If Manasseh’s time, they were in the midst of the WORST time in Judah’s history. But, even in the middle of their mess, God gives them another sure promise!
God didn’t wait until Israel and Judah ‘cleaned up their act’ to tell them that He STILL loves them. He doesn’t excuse their sin or white wash the fact that they are going to hurt as a result of it. Instead, He continues to tell them how precious they are to Him and that they DO have a glorious future ahead. WITH HIM.
God is not limiting this glorious future with Him only to those born into the line of Israel. He speaks of those who choose to “write on his hand, ‘The Lord’s,’ and name himself by the name of Israel” (verse 5b). I don’t believe He is speaking strictly of those who will join the nation of Israel but of all who CHOOSE to follow the God of Israel. Who write HIS name upon their hearts.
That would be me and you. PRAISE GOD that He counts me as His child too! He knew my heart before it was even formed. He knew the journey I would take through this life. He KNEW I would choose to follow Him and ask Him to be my Lord. I’m not a Jew or of the physical line of Israel, but I’m a chosen child of God. HE chose me FIRST. And because He chose me, I have a future that is filled with His love, His presence, and His blessings.
I also have a future filled with His lessons and instruction. These lessons often come with natural consequences, like I’m facing today because I am FAR from perfect. But I am perfectly loved, even in the middle of my messes. He will carry me through whatever comes. YOU too!!!
Father God, hold me in the middle of this storm. I KNOW You are with me wherever I go. Help me through this one and show me the best way forward. Protect those around me from any harm too. Thank You for loving me even when I fall short or don’t listen. This isn’t the first time I didn’t listen. I HATE these lessons!!! But I trust that You are working a good thing in me through them.