Isaiah 42:10-17 New Song

God has shown His superiority over ALL idols and promised His beloved servant who is mild. Now His beloved servant comes with a NEW SONG for the world! He comes in power!!!
There have been several verses of this ‘new song’ already sung throughout history. I would say the first rendition came when Israel left Egypt. Another as they entered the Promised Land. Another still as they returned from captivity through Cyrus. A VERY important rendition with Jesus’ birth. Another more powerful one with His resurrection. But there is still one yet to come. The NEW SONG with the MOST power of ALL; that sang with Jesus’ return. This portion of Isaiah’s prophecy speaks of that time. Or at least it does to me.
When Jesus walked this earth as a man, He was a Servant to all. He went so far in demonstrating this role that He took on the lowest role in a household; that of the servant who washed the visitor’s feet. Peter recognized Jesus’ actions as thoroughly humbling to the point of humiliation. He REFUSED to let Jesus take on this role with him. If ANYONE should be humbled it should be himself, NOT Jesus. But Jesus held His role in this lesson and overcame Peter’s resistance. Jesus’ surrendering Himself to the Jewish leaders to be hung on the cross was the final straw of humility. Lifted up for mocking and ridicule by any who passed by. A place He DID NOT deserve. Through ALL His life on earth, He did NOT exert the power that lay within Him or demand attention. The attention came naturally from the works He did and the words He spoke.
When Jesus returns, He will NOT be the Suffering Servant. He will be the Conquering King! He will split the skies wide open as He descends with the host of Heaven ready for battle. NOTHING will stand in His way! ALL those who oppose Him will fall in defeat. And ALL people will hail Him as King. Not just those who have given Him their lives before His return but ALL flesh. EVERY knee will bow and EVERY tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord!
No longer will those who love Him walk in darkness. There will be NO confusion as to what His words mean. All will be explained and mad plain. The ups and down of sin will be flattened because the author of sin is bound. There will be NO government corruption for it will rest upon HIS shoulders. No longer will those who worship Him be the minority. It will not be a perfect paradise at that time but Jesus will ensure that ALL is just.
Paradise is still to come. And it WILL happen. God has spoken and what He says ALWAYS comes to pass.
Father God, thank You for my new songs! It is the songs in my heart that keep me from falling into despair. They remind me of Your love and speak to me of Your promises. Let me forever praise You! Thank You for EVERY new song You give me.