Isaiah 32:1-8 Righteous King

With all the kings ever in Israel or Judah, there was NEVER a truly righteous king. There is coming a day though and that King is the King of kings; Jesus!
I have read over this passage several times and marveled at how wonderful it will be when Jesus rules. Then I really got a smile when my spirit looked a little closer at verse 3. Here I just saw my bench time and ALL the questions I have gathered over the years. My eyes will NOT be closed and my ears will give attention to all my King has to share with me. I don’t know if Jesus will be meeting intimately with individuals while He rules here on earth, but there is NOTHING that says He won’t.
Will my list grow during that time? Will I understand all that has been hidden from me until then? Will I have already asked all my questions by the time that day comes? Will Jesus be available to all who call on Him? I pray it is so.
We are also told that the fool and scoundrel won’t be a problem anymore. We are not told that there won’t be fools but that they won’t fool anyone. Their place will be obvious. And NO ONE will try to promote them.
It appears that there may be scoundrels too but their plots won’t succeed. They will be found out. They won’t be able to exploit the poor or anyone else. My family and I were speaking about an exploitative scheme today. It is one that is common but when it hits your own family, it brings up anger at the scoundrel. My mother-in-law received a letter telling her she won a VERY large sum of money. They included a check to “help with out-of-pocket expenses involved in claiming the money.” Fortunately, she asked me about it. As SOON as I read the part about having to pay taxes and fees for money outside of the United States, I KNEW it was a scam. I told her it was a scam and explained that ANY TIME you had to pay to receive your “prize” there was no prize for you. It was instead a “prize” for the other person.
I have NO DOUBT that the check was bogus too. If she would have deposited it and used any of the funds, she would have found herself in serious trouble! I know this to be true because it happened in a similar situation to me. I wound up owing the bank $4,000 for a check that I deposited and used as instructed.
When Jesus rules, these types of scams will NOT happen. And if they do, they will NOT fool those whose mind is fixed on the King. Those who are in need will be filled instead of fooled. The words of the scoundrel will be exposed.
I have a question. Will there be problems on earth when Jesus reigns? This earth will NOT be Heaven. Those who live here will be mortal man. Satan will be bound for 1,000 years; then loosed. There HAS to be some element of the people who will follow him when he is loosed, or there wouldn’t be one final war after Armageddon. They have to come from somewhere. Jesus will keep a lid on warfare between the nations, but will He regulate the hearts of the people? I guess that is another bench question, IF He doesn’t answer it in another way for me.
Father God, as much as I LOVE the ‘ah-ha’ moments from Your Holy Spirit, I’m looking forward to understanding everything. NOT to be a ‘know-it-all’ but so I don’t become confused about which way I should go. I want to be able to see through the disguise of the scoundrel. To avoid being ruled over by fools. To walk in understanding. And to ALWAYS pay attention when You speak. I will NOT confuse Your voice for another’s, not miss hearing You when You speak. Help me hold fast to Your hand until that day comes. And help me be satisfied with the ‘ah-ha’ moments along the way.