Isaiah 14:3-23 Taunting Song

Isaiah tells the people that they will be captives of Babylon but that they will also be released. After their release they are given a taunting song to sing over Babylon.
GOD tells the people, the remnant, to take up a “taunt against the king of Babylon” (verse 4a). He even gives them the words for their song. The theme of this taunt is; “You thought you were bigger than God. Look at you now! O how the ‘mighty’ have fallen!!!”
Babylon is also a picture of Satan; Lucifer, the Morning Star. He too tried to ascend above God and claim the worship of God as his own. This got him thrown out of Heaven and cast down to the earth. Babylon’s king will be tossed into the bottomless pit with Satan for Babylon’s future king is the Beast.
A portion of the prophecy regarding Babylon’s fall happened already, but there is more to come. Jesus tells us that “Babylon” will be the one tormenting the world in the end. The past Babylon is no more, today, but it will resurface during the Tribulation. It will not be any more successful then than it was so long ago. NOTHING and NO ONE rises above God!!! Trying, guarantees you a place on the ‘slapped down’ list.
Thinking of the word ‘taunt’ makes me think of children calling out to one another in unkind ways. Now days, they call that “bullying.” It is a BIG ‘no-no’ now. It was a BIG ‘no-no’ when I was young but it didn’t carry the same weight that it does now. It has grown in its cruelty over the past several decades and has gained public notice as well as outrage. More than that though, it has become an overused outcry against anything said that someone doesn’t want to hear. If you say anything negative about a person, you are “bullying” them, even if the statement is true. Yes. There are things you should not say, but not EVERY word that doesn’t tickle ALL the ears that hear it is “bullying.” Sometimes it is simply “calling a spade a spade.” Often it is calling out sin. Those are the times when speaking truth, no matter how much it hurts, is meant to heal. If we refuse to see our sin, we will never come out from it and repent.
So, speak the truth WITH LOVE. Be willing to go to the hard places with someone, but don’t leave them there to struggle alone. Show them the way out and be willing to walk with them towards the exit WHEN they are ready to go. Don’t get down in the dirt with them and cover yourself in it, but be willing to reach out a helping hand to pull them from the muck. Love them, even while they are still in the muck. Love them enough to maintain expectations of godly conduct. And be willing to LET THE PAST GO when they walk away from it. Be just as generous with yourself too! For you too deserve forgiveness; the forgiveness Jesus purchased for each of us on the cross.
When Satan tries to remind you of your past, remind him of his FUTURE! He is GOING DOWN!!! And when He does, taunting him will be perfectly acceptable!!!
Father God, thank You that I KNOW Who will be the victor in this battle. No matter what Satan tries to do, he will NOT prevail. He WILL FAIL! He knows it, even though he doesn’t want to admit it. Help me stand FIRM when he tries to use his tricks on me. When he tries to bully me into doubting who I am in You. When he tells me how fat or worthless I am. Let me STAND UP TALL and SHOUT right back at him that I AM LOVED AND MADE IN THE IMAGE OF MY GOD. And MY GOD DOESN’T MAKE JUNK!!!