Hebrews 13:1-19 My Helper

It is time for our author to wrap up his letter. As he does so he touches on several important daily living points for the new believer. The highlighting feature being that the Lord is the helper for the believers. Life in Him and through Him is promised for every believer.
The overall theme of Hebrews is that we have a better sacrifice through Jesus than did those who follow the Law. Jesus did what the Law had no hope of; restoring us to God in right standing. His work was done outside the camp; apart from the temple. So we are separate from the temple when we come to Him. “Therefore let us go to Him outside the camp and bear the reproach He endured” (verse 13).
Many of the “daily living” instructions focus on love. “Let brotherly love continue. Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers… Remember those who are in prison, as though in prison with them and those who are mistreated” (verses 1-3). “Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God” (verse 16). Even the part about keeping the marriage bed pure involves love for our partners. Without love, HIS kind of love, none of these things are possible. Because He loved us we can show that love back to others.
I find it interesting that leaders are mentioned twice in this “daily living” list. The first time we are told to emulate them. Follow their example in our own lives. We are also instructed to submit to them in obedience and pray for them. Praying for them and being obedient applies to even our worldly leaders. They need God’s help even more!
“Be content with what you have” (verse 5b). Leaning on Him for this contentment is the centerpiece for all the rest. “The Lord is my helper; I will not fear; what can man do to me?” (verse 6b). That is enough for me. Through Him everything lines up where it should be. So long as I keep Him the center of my life, all this is easy.
Lord Jesus, please keep my focus on You FIRST. Don’t let me start looking around and seeing what others have that I don’t. Actually I have what they don’t. I have YOU. Our relationship is worth more than anything! Holy Spirit, help me walk in a manner pleasing to God. Redirect my steps every time I start wandering off the path. Bring me fully into submission to those in authority over me; especially You! Thank You Lord that I can count on You being with me daily and making this walk You called me to a reality. Not on my own but through You.