Ezekiel 44:1-14 New Temple Pt 8
We move into the new rules for the new Temple now. Construction and consecration are complete. Now it’s time to set down the rules for its use.
Ezekiel is still with the bronze man and receiving instructions straight from God. The man is taking him around and pointing out things, but God is speaking to him directly. No interpreter or middle man needed.
For the first time in Israel’s history, God tells them that one gate is to remain closed. It’s not ‘closed for repair’ or ‘temporarily closed’. It is, however, closed for a purpose. The gate in question is a special gate. It is the Eastern Gate and it is God’s gate. It is the gate that God’s presence will return through. And once His presence has returned, it will never leave again. Therefore, the gate will be closed. Its purpose has been fulfilled.
From the time of the Tabernacle until this new Temple is built, there has always been a gate facing east. The Tabernacle only had one gate. The Temple that Solomon built had three gates; the same as the gates of this future Temple. We aren’t told specifically that the Temple that was completed by Zerubbabel had an Eastern gate but we can pretty well assume that it did. This was always the direction the Temple faced and that welcomed the people inside. The Temple built by Herod had an Eastern gate that they called the Golden Gate. God’s way was always open into the Temple as a gate always faced east to honor Him.
None of the other iterations of God’s meeting place with the people had the Eastern gate shut. God hadn’t arrived in person yet; or so the people believed. Jesus graced the halls of the second Temple but He didn’t reside there. Not even the glory of God resided in that Temple. This final Temple will have God in residence so there will be no need to keep the gate open in expectation of His arrival.
The Eastern Gate will be a special meeting place for the prince and the Lord. Even the prince will never pass through this gate. He will be come and go after his special time with the Lord through the inner portion facing the courtyard.
While I was doing research the other day, I cam across information regarding the Eastern Gate that stands today. In 1540 AD, Suleiman the Magnificent, a sultan of the Ottoman Empire, permanently walled up the Eastern Gate of Jerusalem. He did it thinking that this would prevent Israel’s Messiah from entering the city. Thing is, Jesus had already entered the city through that gate. Also, this is NOT the gate God is speaking to Ezekiel about. This gate is part of the Temple. And, there is NO physical structure that can keep Jesus out when He wants in. He walked into the midst of the disciples without the need of a door after His resurrection. I find it interesting what the world will do to try and prevent God’s plans from coming to fruition.
I have one last question though; of course. I’m wondering which gate God closes. Is it the gate for the outer courtyard or the inner one. Ezekiel said he was taken to the “outer gate of the Sanctuary” (verse 1b). Is this just outside of the building holding the Holy place or the entire structure. Thinking about it, Ezekiel was already outside. He was standing in the inner court in front of the altar, which leads me to think it will be the one for the outer court. I don’t seem to be able to go one day without some kind of question making its way into my mind. I suppose that means that I’m actually thinking about what I’m reading.
Father God, thank You for always making me think during our time together. I love looking deeper; seeing where You direct my mind. You are THE Leader of our time. There is still a LOT I don’t understand about this Temple and its purpose. I trust You though and will leave it at that. YOU know what You are doing.