Ezekiel 37:15-28 One People

Israel was never intended to be two nations. God gives Ezekiel a visual prophecy to demonstrate His plan to make Israel one people again.
Let’s back up a second and look at my first statement. “Israel was never intended to be two nations.” When God made Israel and called it to Himself, His intent was for ALL the tribes to work together in harmony and follow His commandments. A people united in the service of their Lord.
When Solomon sinned with all the foreign wives, God told him that He would take the kingdom away from him. When Solomon’s son Rehoboam took the throne, his refusal to listen to the people drove a wedge between the tribes and the nation was torn in two. Jeroboam took the ten tribes who rebelled with him and formed the Northern Kingdom of Israel. The two remaining tribes became the Kingdom of Judah. This was God’s hand but it was NOT His intent for His people to remain divided.
I was curious why God singled out the tribe of Ephraim (One of Joseph’s sons) to unite it with Judah. We know that the southern kingdom was ruled by Judah with Benjamin by his side. But why Ephraim? I did a little digging and found out the Jeroboam was from the tribe of Ephraim. This now makes perfect sense to me. I doubt ALL the kings of the Northern Kingdom were from Ephraim, but that is where the original split began. So this is where God will repair it.
Since the return of the exiles, the ten northern tribes were not noted as represented. They became known as “the lost tribes of Israel” to the rest of the world. But they are NOT lost to God. He KNOWS exactly where they are. If He can know the number of hairs on our heads, He can certainly keep track of a few billion people.
God wanted people to ask Ezekiel about the two sticks. If not, why would He give him such an outward sign? God wanted a segway into conversations regarding the two nations and their future.
When Israel was taken captive by the Assyrians, they were folded into that society. They were not treated like the Assyrians but were put in the place of the conquered or captive. No doubt made slaves, at least for a time. By the time Judah was captured, the Israelites had melded into the society of their captors. They were no longer a distinct people. BUT there were stragglers who were not taken captive still left in the land. Is it possible that the ten tribes grew from the people left behind?
However God did it, there is ONE nation of Israel today. There is no longer a nation of Judah. I don’t know if EVERYONE does it, but we call the people Jews. This title designates people of Judah’s descent. Jesus even used the term “Jews” while on earth. He would refer to the nation of Israel but the people, He called Jews. It was the name accepted at the time. I believe it is the standard name for people of Israeli descent, regardless of tribal affiliation.
The uniting factor for the kingdoms was their worship of God; our Creator. God purged them of the large-scale idolatry that had been going on in both kingdoms. When they returned from exile, they dedicated themselves to rebuilding God’s Temple and following His commandments. Those who didn’t agree with this goal, didn’t come. Never again would a golden calf be raised up for the people to worship. God brought them back to the land He had given them and they followed His statutes.
Ezekiel is told that “My servant David shall be king over them” (verse 24a). This is speaking of David’s descendant; Jesus Christ. Israel didn’t have another king after returning from exile. The only king they will ever have is Jesus. He is King of kings and Lord of lords. He will rule for eternity. And the covenant God made through Jesus is an EVERLASTING covenant. A covenant of peace with God.
The last part of this prophecy is still to come. God says He will “set My sanctuary in their midst forevermore” (verse 26b). Currently, there is no sanctuary of God in Jerusalem or anywhere in Israel. The place designated for God’s Temple is currently occupied by the Dome of the Rock. But, during the last days, God will once again have a Temple in Israel. In fact, the antichrist will defile that Temple and set himself up to be worshiped there. Once removed, the Temple will be where Jesus rules from during His millennial reign. I wouldn’t be surprised if He had a new one built so that it would be completely clean. Although, when HE cleans something it is FULLY clean!
Because of Jesus’ work on the cross we are grafted into His family too. Just as God would bind the broken pieces of Israel together, He binds ALL those together who have placed their faith in Jesus’ work into one family. This is the ONLY ‘bloodline’ that leads to salvation and eternity with God.
Father God, thank You for grafting me into Your family. Not because I earned it but because of something Jesus did for me. Jesus gave me HIS blood so I could be transformed into Your child. NEVER let me take that for granted! I’m looking forward to the final family reunion to see who all is there. Honestly, my eyes will be on You most of the time so I might not even take time to look around and see who all is in attendance. We’ll see.