Ezekiel 37:1-14 Dry Bones

God brings Ezekiel to a place filled with dry bones. From here we see God restore what was dead to life. Israel will experience the same new life.
This story is one that a LOT of people have some knowledge of. Many of those who don’t know God know the songs and stories generated from this prophecy. I just watched a few videos featuring “Dem Bones”. I’m linking in my favorite. Interesting that most versions don’t deal with the arms and none mention the rib cage. Just noticing.
In this prophecy I’m seeing something in the prophetic encounter that has me scratching my head. NOT because I don’t believe EVERY WORD of it, but because I’d like to know if this happened in the physical world or only in the Spiritual world.
Ezekiel starts by telling us that “He brought me out in the Spirit of the Lord and set me down in the middle of the valley” (verse 1b). Does this mean he was taken in the spirit to a spiritual valley or that God transported him in the flesh, like He did with Philip and the eunuch? If it was a physical event, what happened to the now alive soldiers that were once dry bones? I know; questions a ‘good Christian’ wouldn’t ask. But God gave me an imagination and an inquisitive mind. I believe He expects me to use those gifts.
God has demonstrated that He can get His message through in ANY FORM HE CHOOSES. I would LOVE to have been standing by Ezekiel, in the Spirit or the flesh, as he witnessed this move of God!
When God presented the valley of the dry bones to Ezekiel, Ezekiel had no idea what to expect. God asked him, “Can these bones live?” (verse 3a). Ezekiel had no idea what God had planned but KNEW to leave the matter to the Lord. “O’ Lord God, You know” (verse 3b). Ezekiel was MORE than willing to stand back and see what God was planning to do.
God could have completed this task on His own but He chose to use Ezekiel to do it. God told Ezekiel EXACTLY what to say, but the bones continued to lay on the ground as they were until Ezekiel opened his mouth and spoke to them. As soon as Ezekiel finished speaking the words of the Lord, action took place.
Can you imagine standing there beside Ezekiel as the bones began to move and arrange themselves into place for each man represented there? It didn’t end there though. As the completed skeletons lay on the ground, tendons, muscle and organs began to fill out the skeletons. Then flesh covered the bodies as they lay there in the valley. Hundreds of bodies lying on the ground. And being that God didn’t say for clothes to be generated on them, I suppose they were naked.
It appears that Ezekiel had time to take in this sight before God spoke to him again. What was he thinking at that moment? Was he thinking about God’s question; “Can these bones live?” Was he thinking; “What now Lord?” Could he possibly have been thinking; “Is this it?” I believe he was ‘holding his breath’ to see what God was going to do next! I know I would have been!!!
It’s time to make them LIVE! Again, God told Ezekiel EXACTLY what to say and stood back watching as Ezekiel followed His command.
When Ezekiel completed his first prophecy to the dry bones, there was a sound and things started moving about. This time, there was silence… until that first breath. HUNDREDS of deep inhales happening at once. The sound of it filled the valley and nearly took Ezekiel’s breath away. Or maybe it drew an excited shout from him.
Standing before Ezekiel was “an exceedingly great army” (verse 10b). I wonder how long God let Ezekiel ponder this sight before giving him the lesson behind it. This wasn’t just so God could display His AWESOME power. He had something He wanted Ezekiel to take DEEP into his heart and be able to share with absolute conviction with his fellow captives.
It doesn’t matter how far you have fallen, God CAN bring you back, when you cooperate with Him. God didn’t literally raise the dead captives from their graves to bring them back to the land. He resurrected the spirits of the people. He brought their hearts to life. He replaced their hearts of stone with hearts of flesh. His people would, once again, have hearts focused on Him.
Just as God was able to breathe new life into Israel, He can breathe new life into ANYONE who will call on His name. It doesn’t matter how ‘horrible of a sinner’ you were/are. He can STILL bring your dead heart to life. He will “put His Spirit within you, and you shall live” (verse 14b). Don’t wait though because this bringing dry bones back to life only happens twice. Once in our story and on the day of resurrection and judgment. We are NOT told that these resurrected dry bones had another opportunity at life. Their final decision, concerning God, was made BEFORE Ezekiel spoke God’s words to them. Our final decision comes before breath leaves our body too.
I still wonder what God did with this army; if it was in the physical realm. Did they go in search of clothes? Did God dissolve them with the wind? Did He reverse the work He had just done once the lesson was over? And, did Ezekiel see it?
Father God, THANK YOU for giving me Your Spirit. Without Him I am dead. You gave me life; a new heart. And I will use it to praise YOU! Thank You for my imagination. I’m sorry if I ask too many questions, but I would like to know someday. I’ll wait and let You tell me when we meet face-to-face.