Ezekiel 33:1-9 Israel’s Watchman

God is reminding Ezekiel of his role. He is Israel’s watchman. The one who is responsible to sound the trumpet when danger approaches.
When God first called Ezekiel, He told him that this would be his mission. He clearly explained the consequences of NOT sharing God’s words whenever they were given to him. “Speak the words I give you. If you don’t, the blood of all who should have been warned will be on your hands. If they don’t listen, their blood will be on their own hands.”
This is the same message God gives Ezekiel again today. I wonder why He repeated it. Was Ezekiel hesitant to share what God was giving to him lately? Did this second warning come after the death of Ezekiel’s wife? Was it a reaffirmation of his calling? Had his circumstances changed? Or was something harder coming that God wanted to make certain that Ezekiel would follow through with giving the warning?
We can see from our text that Ezekiel would do exactly as he was instructed. The same as he had already been doing. But this passage brings up a question I have had for some time. I have probably already asked it, but I’m going to ask it again.
When Ezekiel received messages about the other nations, did he deliver these messages in person? Did he speak to Pharaoh and share God’s warning with him? Did he raise the alarm in Tyre and Sidon? The main reason I’m asking this is that God told Ezekiel that he was a watchman for Israel. No other nations are mentioned.
In many of the prophecies for the other nations, Ezekiel is told to “speak to…” or “say to…”. There are also times when he is told to stand and face one of the nations. Is Ezekiel giving these prophecies from where he is or going to the nations to share God’s word with the people? As a captive, would he have this freedom? Did God require it of him as He required him to speak to the children of Israel?
God had a specific call upon Ezekiel’s life. If Ezekiel decided to increase his audience by speaking to the other nations when God had not told him to do so, what would have happened? Would his words have been received? Would the behavior God found offensive have changed? Would his life have been in danger? Would he even have been able to speak? God made him mute for a period of time and told him that he would only be allowed to speak what God had given him. How would history have changed?
I don’t know if I will get an answer to these questions, this side of Heaven. What I do know though is that Jesus calls us to speak His words. After His resurrection and just before His ascension, Jesus gave His followers instructions to “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15).
We are told that God calls His children to different roles. Some are truly called to go to far away places and carry God’s word to the people there; missionaries. Others are called to speak God’s words to nearby groups; pastors and teachers. But we are ALL called to share His word and love with those who cross our path. I don’t have to go to Uganda to share God’s word. I can do it in line at Winco just as easily, and more importantly, just as faithfully. Serve where you are. And when/if God expands that ‘area’, serve just as faithfully in the new places too. I have a feeling that His warning to Ezekiel applies to us too.
“If I tell you to share My word with someone; SHARE IT. Let Me do the rest. If they listen; great! Their lives will have been spared. If they don’t listen; that’s on them. But if you don’t share; them not listening AND their place in eternity are on you.”
Yes, God is MORE than able to send someone else along who will share with them. But I don’t want to be the one responsible for them missing their last opportunity to hear God’s word and change their lives. We never know when our last moment on this earth will be.
Father God, forgive me for all the times when I was too scared to share what I felt You were urging me to share. I pray I don’t miss any more opportunities that You bring me. Not to ‘keep my hands clean’ but because You are SO WONDERFUL that I want the whole world to know!