Ezekiel 24:1-14 Boil to Burn

God shares with Ezekiel that THIS DAY is the day the siege begins against Jerusalem. She is a corroded pot that will move from boil to burn, to completely destroy her because of her sins.
Ezekiel is the first of the captives to know that the siege has begun against Jerusalem. He doesn’t have to wait for word to reach him from the city. God tells him and tells him to “write down the name of this day, this very day” (verse 2a). He is to write it down on THIS day so that others will KNOW that the Lord gave him this information. It is the beginning of the end for Jerusalem. There are three years yet to come of this siege.
In an earlier passage, the people of Jerusalem made a reference to a pot and meat within it. In that reference, it was meant that they were as safe within Jerusalem as meat within a pot being turned to a savory stew. God told them that they were NOT safe in their pot but would be pulled from it and dragged off into exile.
Today, we see the pot reference again but it goes in a different direction. In the beginning, the pot was used for making a savory stew. If all were to stop here, there would be a beautiful dinner for all. But there is a problem that comes to light concerning the pot.
This pot is corroded. Whatever is boiled in it is spoiled. The meat being put in also has the blood in it further contaminating the stew. Instead of being ‘safe’ in the pot, the meat is getting more and more rancid. God says to start pulling the pieces out randomly. These are the people who would surrender to Nebuchadnezzar and go with him into exile. Those that remain in the pot are in for a BIG surprise.
The pot is going to boil so long and hard that it, and everything in it, will be consumed by fire. NOTHING is going to rescue this ‘pot’ or its contents. God had repeatedly tried to ‘clean’ Jerusalem and His people from their sins but they would have none of it. NOW it is time they paid for those sins.
There is NO turning back, NO sparing the people, and NO relenting. God is NOT playing games and He is DONE with their games. “According to YOUR ways and YOUR deeds, YOU will be judged, declares the Lord God” (verse 14b, emphasis added). The last chance has passed.
I feel for the people in this ‘pot’. For the next three years they will be ‘cooking’. Bread will become a thing of the past. Money will mean nothing as no amount of it can ease the suffering they will endure. We ate told that parents will even EAT their children to survive! During this time, Jeremiah will tell them that their ONLY hope of survival is surrender to Nebuchadnezzar. Some will listen. Jeremiah isn’t even given the opportunity to surrender. He is captured and placed in prison because they thought he was going to surrender. God would see to Jeremiah’s survival but even he would suffer during this time.
Jerusalem would remain ruined until God’s full wrath had been expended. Only then would she be rebuilt. Her people would only return when they too had been cleaned and learned a VALUABLE lesson.
I don’t know what day we are in the ‘final pot’ metaphor. But I do know that the ONLY way out of the boiling pot is to surrender. NOT to Nebuchadnezzar but to God. He won’t ‘pack you off to exile’ but will sustain you in the midst of whatever you are facing. Trusting in man and man’s systems to keep you safe is a sure path to failure. Only God can keep you safe. He can use man to provide that care, as He did with the king and Jeremiah, but HE is your ultimate salvation. And His salvation goes BEYOND this present world. It is ETERNAL. Man can’t come close to that promise!
Father God, I don’t know how much longer You are going to wait before giving the “mark this date down” day. I know one is coming. Until it arrives, I will continue trusting in You to bring about Your promises. I don’t believe that I will be here after it arrives. But IF I am, I trust YOU to care for me during that time, NO MATTER WHAT COMES. And if I’m with You after the “mark this down” event, I KNOW I will be FOREVER safe and praising You! I am looking forward to that day with GREAT anticipation!!!