Ezekiel 1:4-28 Living Creatures

Ezekiel describes in detail four living creatures and all that goes with them. These come from the glory of the Lord. God’s glory is also described in detail and awe inspiring to Ezekiel.
God is getting Ezekiel’s undivided attention with this vision. This isn’t a quick glimpse or an uncertain encounter. This vision is so complex and breath taking that Ezekiel can’t look away. He also can’t fully explain it.
Ezekiel uses the words “like the appearance of” and “the likeness of” several times. He is giving it his all to help his readers understand what he saw. He is trying to give us some kind of image that we can hold onto. An image that, to the best of his human ability, accurately represents the vision’s content that he saw. If only he had been able to ‘take a picture’ of it and truly show us! He is doing the best he can though.
I’m getting a visual of the four living creatures as they move about. We are told that they can go in any direction but that they don’t “turn” while doing so. We are also told that each one’s wings touches two others. At first, I was envisioning a straight line of the creatures, like one would see in a marching procession. This line would be one deep by four wide when going frontward or backward and one wide and four deep when going side to side. But this can’t be because the outer edges would only be touching one other wing.
The correct configuration (in my understanding) is they are in a square or circle. One facing north, one south, one east, and one west. In this formation, wherever they are, they are touching two others. They can also ‘slide’ in any direction without having to turn as one is facing each direction.
This formation also reminds me of the bronze sea that Solomon made for the Temple. The sea rested on the backs of 12 oxen. There were three on each side facing outward from one another. Their hind quarters are what supported the sea. Is it possible that the wingspan of the four creatures supported the aperture or ‘window’ into Heaven? Maybe the throne that Ezekiel saw was resting on them.
I was thinking about the wheels. My bible helps offers the opinion that the “eyes” might represent gem stones. I don’t know enough to agree or disagree with that opinion. But I can’t imagine rolling on the ground with physical open eyes. That would hurt! Is it possible that the eyes simply mean that wherever the wheel goes it can see EVERYTHING? It could see into the hearts of the people it passes over. It could see what is going on throughout the earth. It could see the schemes of man and even Satan. Nothing would be hidden from it. And as the spirit of the creature is in the wheel, it would be communicated directly to God. God’s ‘eyes’ and ears.
The spirit being in the wheel reminds me of God’s Spirit being in us. To those who love Him, He is our ‘driving force’, our center. We LONG to be in His presence and His will. The wheels stayed in constant ‘communion’ with the living creatures. There was an unbreakable connection. Our connection with God is unbreakable too when we are His children. We may get ‘dirt in our eyes’ but we NEVER disconnect our ‘driveline’.
One more thing that just struck me is when Ezekiel said that the living creatures “darted about” on the earth. I will bet my last dollar that the movement was not random or meaningless. The creatures and their wheel were able to move with such speed that they arrived at the source of trouble instantly. There is no ‘response time’ lag with God. We may not always see the speed WE want, but God is ALWAYS on time. Even if it means that His messengers have to “dart” over to us at lightening speed. We can’t fall faster than He can catch. That’s safety to me! And I can’t drive faster than my guardian angel can fly. Prais God for that!!!
Father God, thank You for showing me little insights that I didn’t see before. No. I don’t have all Ezekiel’s imagery figured out. I don’t know that I ever will, this side of Heaven. What I do know though is that, what I need to understand, YOU will make clear to me. You have me in Your hands and have assigned Your angels to watch over me. I find great comfort in knowing that You will be there at “lightening speed” when I need Your intervention. I think I’m going to keep that “I can’t fall faster than You can catch” with me for a LONG time!