Exodus 31:1-11 Specialists

God has finished giving all the specifications for His house to Moses. Now He tells him who the best craftsmen are for the job. He has given them special talents just for this purpose.
I don’t know about you, but if the Lord gave me a project like He gave Moses I would start looking around for help; a LOT of help! Moses balked at standing before the people in the beginning. Now God is calling for artistry in metal working, wood working, weaving, embroidery, and jewelry. I don’t think these talents were in Moses’ area of expertise. But he didn’t need to worry because God had prepared in advance the people He wanted to complete the work.
When thinking about His craftsmen He looked beyond talent. I’m sure there were many men among the children of Israel that were talented in some of these areas. But before the man could be used he first had to have a heart open to God. He had to have God’s Spirit in his life.
I don’t believe his filling with the Spirit of God was the same thing that believers have today with the Holy Spirit living in us. There was still the issue of sin that created a barrier between God and man. But God could influence men’s hearts and minds. He also was able to give talents to whomever He chose.
I’m thinking Bezalel recognized where his talents came from and was more than happy to offer them back in service. Bezalel was the grandson of one of Moses’ right hand men; Hur. Hur had assisted in keeping Moses hands raised during the battle with the Amalek. Bezalel had a good role model in his grandfather for service to the Lord.
God didn’t leave the entire load on Bezalel’s shoulders. He provided a helper for him; Oholiab. He gifted Oholiab with talents for His special work too. In fact, God gifted the rest of the men of Israel with talents necessary to complete His project. Where one man lacked, another excelled. Bezalel was chief among them but he wasn’t the only one who contributed. I think one of his tasks was probably creating the visual forms others would follow; the patterns. He would take the description Moses brought down the mountain and transform it into visual representations or patterns. THEN he would begin the actual construction work with his fellow men. I have a feeling he “dreamed in scrollwork.”
Earlier on I wondered about the intricacy and design of God’s house. I wondered if the pieces of furniture would be simple or elaborate. After reading about God’s specially appointed craftsman I’m leaning towards elaborate and artistic. I’m looking forward to seeing the original that inspired the pattern someday.
Father God, thank You for providing ALL of the talents needed to create Your tabernacle. I would be useless in these endeavors as my skill set doesn’t include what was needed for Your project. I wish I had other skills that I know You have given to others. One I truly desire is to be able to play the piano but since I don’t have a need for that skill, I will have to enjoy listening to others whom You have gifted with it. I will be content and honored to employ the skills You gave me in the arenas You have provided for their use. That is enough for me. I don’t need to be a Bezalel, master of MANY talents, in order to serve You and show You my love.