Exodus 25-31 Blueprints

God has blueprints He will give to Moses in order to make Him a ‘home’ to dwell among the people. It will take ALL of them working together to construct it.
There are SO MANY DETAILS set out in these chapters! Details that I have tried time and time again to grasp and get a SURE picture of. But I have never succeeded. While thinking about this, and how to make this story come alive, I thought of how God must have SHOWN Moses exactly what He wanted. I know that I have often had an image in my mind that I wanted someone to produce in a physical form. It never comes out just right. There is NO WAY I can accurately describe what it is I’m seeing in my heart. So, the artist interprets what I say and renders it to the best of their abilities and understanding. God was NOT leaving this to the interpretation of man! He was going to make CERTAIN that those working on His masterpiece rendered it to HIS exact expectation and design.
To accomplish ALL He wanted done, He would have to SHOW Moses, and those He called to do the work, His design. Joshua would record the dimensions and specifications while God took Moses on a ‘walk through’. I want to focus on that ‘walk through’ time with God and Moses. If you, like me, want to go into the detailed blueprints God shared, I encourage you to read these chapters carefully. Have a pen and paper handy so you can jot down all the specifications God allowed Joshua to transcribe for Him. You can also find renditions of what men believe God was describing by doing a search online. My favorite to try and figure out is the Mercy Seat with the cherubim. I wonder how far off my imaginings are from God’s actual idea. Let’s join Moses and Joshua on the mountain.
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Moses and Joshua waited six days on the mountain of the Lord. Moses came when called, but his spirit knew that he was supposed to wait just below the presence of the Lord. It was a time of prayer and fasting for the two men. They both focused their attention on the Lord; not each other. Moses found it easier to keep his mind focused than Joshua did. Moses had more opportunities to practice this skill.
On the seventh day, God called out to Moses to come up further. It wasn’t an audible voice. It was a call in his spirit. Joshua felt it too. They stood up from the places they were knelt in prayer, turned their faces upward, and began their ascent into the cloud of God’s presence. This was the first time Joshua experienced this envelopment in the Lord’s presence. To him, it was like sinking into a warm bath that soothed away all your cares. Something he seldom had the pleasure of doing in his life.
Joshua carried all the writing implements on this visit with the Lord. He also maintained a respectful distance from Moses. He didn’t want to distract him from his time with the Lord. Joshua was simply honored to be included. There hadn’t been any discussion as to who was to do what while with the Lord, but Joshua knew his place was to make a record for Moses and the people.
Moses stopped in his advance up the mountain after a little bit. He was completely enveloped in the cloud of the Lord’s presence. He honestly forgot all about Joshua. His focus was solely on the Lord. He was ready to receive whatever it was the Lord had for him.
“Speak Lord. Your servant is listening.”
At the same time Moses was hearing the Lord addressing him, Joshua heard the Lord say his name.
“Yes Lord. I’m here.”
So focused was each on their conversation with the Lord, that they didn’t even register the other’s response to Him. God smiled at this. He then addressed them together. “Moses, I am going to be showing you many things. I want you to attend to them and to my voice. Joshua, you will record the specifics of the things that I will be showing to Moses. It is important that the people know these details.”
“I will be diligent in recording them Lord” Joshua says.
“And I will pay close attention to ALL You have to share with me Lord.”
“I expected nothing less.” God smiles again before getting down to business.
“Before I show you the wonders I have planned, I have instructions you need to pass onto My people. You are to take contributions from them. From those who have a willing heart to give. This is a list of what you are to collect from them. ‘And this is the contribution that you shall receive from them: gold, silver, and bronze, blue and purple and scarlet yarns and fine twined linen, goats’ hair, tanned rams’ skins, goatskins, acacia wood, oil for the lamps, spices for the anointing oil and for the fragrant incense, onyx stones, and stones for setting, for the ephod and for the breastpiece.” (Exodus 25:3-7)
Moses considers this list of items while Joshua records them. “I wonder what they will be used for” muses Moses. He doesn’t have to wait long at all before God answers that question.
“And let them make me a sanctuary, that I may dwell in their midst. Exactly as I show you concerning the pattern of the tabernacle, and of all its furniture, so you shall make it.” (Exodus 25:8-9)
Moses eyes go wide and he bounces on his toes in excitement. “I would LOVE to do this for You Lord! Please. Show me what You want.”
Joshua’s ears are poised to listen. It will be his job to take down the details in such a way that the people can reproduce what the Lord shows Moses.
“Let’s begin” says the Lord.
Moses and Joshua wait with baited breath. Before Moses’ appears the first piece of God’s design for His house. “This is the Ark of the Covenant” says the Lord. Moses walks around it. He sees its beauty and feels the smoothness of its finish. He can see the moldings on it and rings made on its side. He runs his hand the length of the poles that extend beyond each end on either side of it. They feel warm to the touch.
Joshua quickly transcribes the details the Lord is voicing to him alone. God watches as Moses examines this important piece.
After Moses has committed each detail of the Ark of the Covenant to memory, the crowning piece appears on top of it. “This is the Mercy Seat” says the Lord.
Moses’ mouth drops open as he beholds the wonder of this piece. It is made of pure gold with cherubim on either end of it. Their faces hold expressions of pure joy. Their wings show so much detail that they look as if they could take flight immediately.
“And you shall put the mercy seat on the top of the ark, and in the ark you shall put the testimony that I shall give you. There I will meet with you, and from above the mercy seat, from between the two cherubim that are on the ark of the testimony, I will speak with you about all that I will give you in commandment for the people of Israel.” (Exodus 25:21-22)
Joshua has recorded each of the dimension and positions for this piece. The place where God will meet with His people. The HEART of what He is creating.
The next thing God shows Moses is a special table where the bread offered to Him will sit. Moses reaches out and touches the rim of the table. The palm of his hand rests securely on the rim because of its width. He also fingers the ridge along the edge of that rim. On the table appear plates, bowls, dishes, cups, and utensils for the service it will render. Each item is pure gold and exquisitely crafted. They all match one another in beauty and design.
“These are for the drink offering and for the incense” God indicates as He points out specific items. “This is where you will put the Bread of the Presence before me daily.” God points it out for Moses to see as it appears on the table.
Moses moves his hand over the bread. “It’s still warm” he exclaims.
“I just ‘baked’ it” God says with a smile.
Moses walks around the table and notices the rings on its four corners. “Are these for poles, like the poles for the Ark of the Covenant?”
“They are. But these will be removed when it is not being moved along with the people. The poles for the Ark will never be removed.”
Moses nods his head as Joshua includes these details in the account he is preparing.
The next item to appear before Moses is a lampstand. It is one unlike any he has seen before. As he examines it, he notices the absence of seams in its workmanship. “It is all ONE piece” he breathes.
“It is. It will provide the light in My house. It will stay lit at all times.”
Moses examines the lampstand to soak in each detail of it. The cups that look like almond blossoms are so realistic that he can almost smell the fragrance of the flower. These blossoms were on the lampstand itself and each of the branches extending from it. Topping each branch, including a single center stem, were the actual lamps. Their cups were fashioned in such a way that they gave light in front of them instead of all around. Moses fingered their delicate design. “It’s beautiful” he breathed.
God directed Moses’ attention to a tray where the implements for caring for the lampstand were kept. These too were made of pure gold. Moses picked up one of the tongs. He felt the weight of it in his hand and turned it over in his palm. He committed its design to memory too. And it too matched the items on the Table of Bread in design.
The next thing that Moses was shown was the Tabernacle itself. “This will be My house. Where the people will come to meet with me” said the Lord.
Moses walked through the length of it and breadth of it on the inside. Moses observed the inner curtain that was thicker than the other hangings. It separated a portion of the interior from the rest. He felt its weight and noticed how its design matched that of the other linen panels. He ran his finger over the design of the cherubim embroidered on each panel of finely woven linen. He noticed the richness of the colors and how they draped. He also ran his hands over, and felt the sturdiness, of the frames from which they hung. He noted how and where each panel was attached. There were loops woven into the edges of each curtain and clasps that held the one loop to its preceding curtain. It was like they were buttoned together with the finest buttons ever crafted. And, yes, they matched the design of all the items shown to Moses thus far.
Next, the Lord took Moses around the outside of the tent. He showed him the skins used to lay over the decorative inner curtains. Moses noted the number of skins and their kinds as they were layered. There were four layers, including the innermost layer. Each served to keep the innermost layer free of weather impact. Moses ran his hand over each layer. Feeling the expertly tanned skins. He also examined the seams in the curtains. Each was ‘buttoned up’ tight; preventing any water from seeping through.
“It is interesting Lord that the outer layers hold no beauty in themselves. The beauty is on the inside. Is this to deter thoughts of theft?”
“Again, with the questions!”
“Sorry Lord. Continue please.”
Joshua nodded his readiness to move on too.
The next piece to appear before Moses was the Bronze Altar. “I noticed Lord, that gold was used inside the Tabernacle. And I also noticed that bronze is what is used on the outside. Hiding the best within. Just like the most precious pieces of man are hidden in his heart.”
Even while making this observation, Moses walked around the Bronze Altar. He felt the smoothness of the workmanship. His hands couldn’t help but be drawn to the horns on the corners of it and noticing that they had no seams in them either. He also fingered the grating where the sacrifice would actually rest as it was consumed. Then he picked up each of the implements that would be used in its service to the Lord. The pots, the pans, the forks, the tongs, the ash collectors and even the braziers for the fire. Each bore the same design and find craftsmanship. Moses noted that the Bronze Altar also had the rings for poles on each of its sides.
Next, the Lord directed Moses’ attention to an outer barrier for the whole enclosure. This had similar linen pieces to the inner layer of the Tabernacle. Most of the panels did not have the fine embroidery designs that adorned the inner structure. They were of a single color and they were ‘buttoned’ together using silver clasps. Even their bases were covered in silver. It shone like the surface of a pond when Moses looked directly at one. There were three panels on one side that would serve as an entrance. Thes three panels would host fine embroidery, such as was on the inner panels. Moses traced the pattern created with his finger. He could get lost in the design, if he allowed himself to.
The main structure had now been completed. It was time to focus on some of the details. The first detail God shared with Moses the requirements for the oil for the lampstand. “It was to be PURE BEATEN olive oil. Aaron and his sons will tend to the lampstand morning and night.” God then showed Moses its placement inside the Tabernacle and the area it would illuminate.
“Aaron and his sons will require special vestments for their service in the Tabernacle” the Lord told Moses. Before Moses appeared a likeness of Aaron, dressed as he would be while serving the Lord.
“The garments shall be holy and used in serving before me. ‘These are the garments that they shall make: a breastpiece, an ephod, a robe, a coat of checker work, a turban, and a sash.’” (Exodus 28:4)
Moses took in the detail of each as Joshua recorded their requirements. Joshua made special note of each jewel contained in the breastpiece and its location. He also noted the two onyx stones that would bear the names of the tribes and be affixed to the shoulders in settings of gold.
Moses fingered the chains of gold and touched the shoulder pieces that fastened it all together. The linen was soft and draped elegantly over the body of its wearer. Moses noticed how the ephod went over the priest’s head instead of around him. He also fingered the gold plate where the inscription “Holy to the Lord” was engraved. The blue cord held it firmly in place on the front of the turban.
“These garments are to be holy, but their wearer must also be holy. Aaron and his sons must be consecrated to Me before they can serve in this office for the people on My behalf.”
God showed Moses the entire process in the Spirit that would take place once His Tabernacle was completed. Joshua noted down each animal required, its number, whom was to offer it, and in what order each step would be completed. This included the steps for consecrating the Tabernacle itself to the Lord. To this list, Joshua also noted the daily sacrifices the Lord called for; the morning and evening sacrifices with each portion to be included.
“Once the Tabernacle is consecrated, ‘There I will meet with the people of Israel, and it shall be sanctified by my glory. I will consecrate the tent of meeting and the altar. Aaron also and his sons I will consecrate to serve me as priests. I will dwell among the people of Israel and will be their God. And they shall know that I am the Lord their God, who brought them out of the land of Egypt that I might dwell among them. I am the Lord their God.’” (Exodus 29:43-46)
God took a deep breath and refocused His attention to the remaining pieces of His Tabernacle. He took Moses once again into the inner structure. Before Moses appeared an Altar of Incense in the position it would occupy within the inner court. This altar was overlaid in gold, like the rest of the inner furnishings. It also incorporated the rings for carrying it using poles. Like the bronze altar, it also had horns on its corners. Moses ran his hand over these horns as well. He also examined each implement placed on it. This is where fragrant incense would be burned to the Lord. Moses breathed deeply and could swear that he smelt it.
Joshua was careful to record the recipe for the incense. God would allow NO foreign incense to be burned in His presence.
“The Tabernacle will need to be maintained. To this end, you shall take a census of ALL the people, and each shall give as a ransom for his life, a half shekel. No more and no less shall each man give for this purpose. Put this into a treasury for the Lord.”
God took Moses again to the outside of the tent to show him one final piece of furnishing to be created for His Tabernacle. A bronze basin appeared on a stand, midway between the bronze altar and the entrance to the tent. “This is where Aaron and his sons will wash their hands and feet, both coming and going into the Tent of Meeting. If they do not wash, they will die.”
Joshua made certain to note this down. It may mean the difference between life and death one day.
The Lord took Moses to a point where he could see the entire enclosure in one glance. Before Moses’ mind, he brought each piece of furnishing He had included in His construction.
“Lord, this is AMAZING! But it is beyond my skill or ability to convey all that You have shown me.”
“I know. I have places special skills in Obediah and Bezalel for the construction of all I have shown you. I have also filled them with My Spirit so that they too can see the design I have created for My Tabernacle. They will be chiefs over all the work done and instruct those under them as to My requirements and design. This will NOT be left to you to convey to them.”
God had something for Moses before He concluded their time together. “I have for you and the people stone tablets that I have inscribed with My Law for the people.” God laid them on the surface of a rock for Moses to retrieve.
Moses and Joshua began looking over the two tablets. They were amazed at the intricate writing and how the groves in the stones nearly glowed. They were excited about bringing these treasures to the people and beginning the work God had gone into such detail for them over this time together.
Just as Moses lifted the tablets, he felt a shift in God’s Spirit…
(to be continued)
Father God, thank You for letting me use my imagination today in Your story. I can just see You pointing out all the details to Moses. I probably had him touching too many things, but that is what I would have wanted to do. I’ve gotten myself into trouble for doing that very thing.
I still like seeing the detail in the descriptions and dimensions in Your word, but this is the first time I have not felt driven to delve into detail, instead of enjoying the time together. Thank You for that. Thank You for all the people who have delved into it and given me a chance to see their renditions and understanding. I’m looking forward to seeing the original that the earthly form was modeled after when I see You face to face.