Ecclesiastes 1:1-11 The Preacher

Solomon, the Preacher, begins his lament. He looks first to the “vanity” of the natural world. What was will be again and Again and AGAIN.
I was curious, so I looked up the meaning of the word “Ecclesiastes” and found that it means “Preacher.” This book is the Preacher asking questions of his audience. They are hard questions and sometimes don’t even have answers. I wonder if my ‘bench questions’ are along these same lines, in God’s eyes. NOT that I compare myself in ANY arena to Solomon.
Solomon starts by introducing himself while avoiding saying his own name. In his introduction he tells us what role he is going to take on; that of the Preacher. The role of the Preacher is to present God’s word. Nothing more, nothing less. This means though that the Preacher must be willing to listen to God AND convey what He says accurately. We know Solomon heard the Lord and was given great understanding and wisdom. Here he passes it on in a different format than he did in Proverbs.
This book, so far, feels different. It feels as if it has been written out of sorrow or disappointment. “There is nothing new under the sun” (verse 9b). Is he wanting something new? Is he relieved that there isn’t anything new going to crop up unexpectedly? Is this a comfort to him or a disappointment to him? The voice he is writing in leads me to feel like this is a disappointment.
Maybe though, it’s just a warning to us not to go looking for the ‘new’. If you keep chasing after something ‘new’ you miss what you have ‘now’. I don’t know how many times I have wanted to rush to the end of the month because something exciting was going to be happening ‘next month’ and I missed paying attention to what was happening at the time. Once or twice, I was looking so far ahead on the calendar that I missed a birthday that was written on it right in front of my eyes.
My bible helps tells me that the word “vanity” that we see used so often here, when translate literally from the Hebrew means “vapor”. When it is taken figuratively it translates as “vanity.” This has me thinking a little more about what is weighing on Solomon’s heart. Is he thinking about that all he has done in his life will vanish like a vapor once he is gone? Is he worried about finding a way to ensure it doesn’t? If this is his concern, he needn’t have raised that question. When he asked God for wisdom, God told him that He would also ensure his fame. Solomon is still known today as the wisest and richest king to ever live.
There is a song that I hear on the radio every now and again. It speaks of NOT being remembered after the artist is gone. “Only Jesus” (by Casting Crowns) is all he wants remembered. So long as his life points to Jesus all the time, that’s enough legacy to leave. This is my desire too for this part of my life.
For the other part of my life, where I’m a daughter, sister, mother, aunt, niece, cousin, grandmother, friend, and even opponent, I pray those I interact with will remember me as pointing to Jesus. In these roles I know I will be remembered for many things. Some good and some not so good, but if I’m remembered for loving people as Jesus did and pointing to Him through my actions, I’m MORE than happy to leave that kind of legacy.
Another ‘legacy’ I want to leave is a testimony to God’s power. I have felt like I think Solomon may have been feeling. Feelings of “what’s the use” and “it doesn’t matter anyway.” Let me be the first to tell you that YES IT DOES. Life may be a vapor that vanishes in a moment but what you do with that life has eternal consequences. We are part of an intricate tapestry that God is weaving. Each thread has a purpose and adds to the completeness of the overall beauty being created. Even our sad and low times add depth of color to our ‘string’. Where else would the deep purples and midnight blues come from but our times of pain. But that’s not the only color we offer to the work of God. We add the soft blues of peace, the bright yellow of happiness, the red of passion and even anger, and every color in between. God can use your times of pain for seasons of growth when you lean into Him. HE has the power to draw you out of them, just as He has done for me more times than I can count.
Father God, I pray I’m not missing Solomon’s message and putting my own in its place. I trust You to bring out of Your word exactly what I need each time I come to You. I also have a feeling that this message is pointed at someone else too. For that person, be it one or many, hold them in Your arms and show them the tapestry You are weaving of their life. Show them the places where, if not for them, it would have been lost. Strengthen them with the knowledge that this too WILL pass so long as they hold onto Your hand. And if they can’t hold on any longer because they feel too weak, hold on for them instead. THANK YOU FATHER for EVERY TIME You did this very thing for me. Let this be a ‘legacy’ of hope for someone who needs it. Remind me of this moment and these words when I need them again too Father.