Daniel 9:20-23 Gabriel Appears

Daniel has been praying for his people. For forgiveness of their sins and mercy from God. Gabriel appears before him and offers him much more!
Daniel is rightly concerned about the things to come for the people of Judah. The kingdoms that God has told Daniel were coming will NOT be kind to the people of Israel. There will be persecution in each of them, including the Roman empire which Jesus would be born under. Daniel is praying for his peoples’ forgiveness and God’s mercy from NOW and moving forward.
Daniel’s prayer brings to mind the prayers of another righteous man; Job. Job prayed for his children ‘just in case’ they committed some sin and didn’t repent on their own. Daniel is praying for his people whom he KNOWS have sinned and brought their judgment down on themselves. I’m wondering, did Job’s children sin? Was their demise at least partly of their own doing?
Job had to suffer for quite some time before God spoke to him and straightened his perception. Daniel gets a personal visitation from one of God’s most prized angels while he is still praying. Talk about quickly answered prayers!
Gabriel “came to me in swift flight” (verse 21b). That would be a sight to see! The figure of a man, flying to meet you. No strings. No tricks photography. No ‘photoshopped’ image. An angel of the lord quickly descending to where you were waiting on your knees for God to move on your behalf.
Gabriel came to Daniel with a special purpose and reason. The purpose was to “give you insight and understanding” (verse 22b). I’m not sure if this understanding Daniel is given is from a previous vision or if this is a new one, WITH understanding provided immediately. God has been showing Daniel visions for several years concerning the kingdoms to come. They have all had some part of them that Daniel had to ‘lock away’ for later understanding. We could be getting ready to see some of what was locked away. Or we are approaching something new and different.
Whenever the vision happened and the interpretation was presented, there is something that grabs my attention even more; the reason. God had a special reason for sending Gabriel to Daniel. Yes. It was to provide him with answers. But more than that, it was to demonstrate His GREAT LOVE for Daniel. “I have come to tell it to you, for you are greatly loved” (verse 23b).
Can you imagine God sending an angel to earth just to tell you that?! We ALL know that we are loved by God. John 3:16 tells us this. But to be told specifically how much I am loved would blow my mind!
If you are ANYTHING like me, you have probably wondered how much you are truly loved by God. I have heard it said MANY times that, “if you were the ONLY ONE to believe in Jesus and accept Him as your savior, He still would have done EVERYTHING He did.” I’ve had trouble believing this over the years. Mainly because I KNOW that kind of love ANYWAY.
Yes. God had a special relationship with Daniel. But He has a special relationship with me too; as well as anyone else who surrenders their life to Him. In the last few years, God has impressed upon me just how deep His love really is. And, YES, I believe that if I were the ONLY one, Jesus STILL would have walked that road for me. He has proven His love to me over and Over and OVER again. I will NEVER doubt that love again. NOT because I’m worthy or have earned it, but because I’m HIS CHILD.
Father God, thank You for ALL the things You do to show me how much You love me. Thank You for doing the same for Daniel. I have NO problem believing that You were closer to Daniel than to me. You had a different relationship with him. I’m FOREVER GRATEFUL for the one we share! Thank You for loving me, even when my actions are unlovable.