Daniel 4:34-37 Now I Praise

At the end of the “seven time periods”, Nebuchadnezzar looks up to heaven and his mind is restored. “Now I praise and extol and honor the King of Heavens.”
The first thing that strikes me is the timing. Daniel told Nebuchadnezzar that “seven time periods” (I’m assuming years as the periods) would pass “till you know that the Most High rules the kingdom of men and gives it to whom He will” (verse 25b). Nebuchadnezzar’s first words in our text today is “At the end of the days, I Nebuchadnezzar, lifted my eyes to heaven, and my reason was returned to me, and I blessed the Most High, and praised and honored Him who loves forever” (verse 34).
It was the passage of this time God prescribed BEFORE Nebuchadnezzar’s mind was cleared. We are told that Nebuchadnezzar looked up to heaven at that time, but I’m curious as to how many times he looked up to the sky during those seven time periods. Was his gaze different this time? Was he looking with purpose at this moment? Did God speak to his heart to get him to look up? The time had passed but his mind was gone during it. Only at the end of the time did his senses return and he could comprehend where he was and what had happened. He looks up, his mind is cleared, and he proclaims “O dear Lord FORGIVE ME!” all at once. That’s GOD’S timing; EXACTLY as He said it would occur.
Nebuchadnezzar also learned the EXACT lesson God told him he would and intended for him to learn. He learned that God cand do EVERYTHING He says He will. He can exalt and humble whomever He chooses. HE is God and there is NO other!
God is not vindictive and punitive out of spite. Nebuchadnezzar was warned this was coming for him AND given an opportunity to correct his ways. He had a full year to get himself straightened out. But he only grew more arrogant. God didn’t punish him just to be mean but to save him. God did whatever He had to in order to change his life and to use that life for His purposes.
Nebuchadnezzar would NEVER be the same again. His change would be lifelong and color the rest of his reign. WHICH God GRACIOUSLY gave him. God raised him up again. HE moved on his counselors to bring him back in and put him back on the throne. I would not be surprised to know that the counselors were waiting for this very day and watching for it all along. I would lay money on Daniel being among those who brought him back in. Daniel knew when the time would be completed.
God is just as concerned with our lives. He wants to raise us up to stand for Him. He wants to use our lives for His plan too. He will do whatever it takes to bring us to that place. He is relentless! And it’s because He is relentless in His LOVE for us. Look up! And recognize Who is God and who is not.
Father God, I PRAISE You with ALL that is within me! Your love for me is ALL I need. Because of that love, Your fingerprints are ALL OVER my life! I praise You for ALL You do in me AND in this world.