Daniel 3:1-7 Dream Statue

Nebuchadnezzar creates the statue close to the one from his dream. Then he calls for ALL of his officials to bow down before it. NOT happening says Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego.
We are not told how long after Nebuchadnezzar’s dream he began or completed construction of this “image.” We aren’t even told what the “image” is of. Most suppose that it is an image of Nebuchadnezzar himself. It could be, but we are not told so. Whatever it is, it is ten times as tall as it is wide. We also know that it was made completely out of gold. It could be a representation of what he saw in his dream, but he modified it by making it all from the material that represented his kingdom. I wonder if that was his way of prolonging his kingdom instead of giving up to a “lesser kingdom.”
When I read, or was told about, this story as a child, I thought the EVERYONE in the land was assembled and required to bow down to this statue. Reading it again today, I see that this dedication ceremony was for all the rulers of the land; not the general public. Maybe the king was trying it out on his officials first before setting it before the people.
The king was making sure that ALL of his officials were loyal to him and would follow his command. To do otherwise was punishable by the WORST kind of death; being burned alive. Fear of that punishment alone probably got some of the ‘less than committed’ on board.
At this point in the story, we haven’t looked around and seen who didn’t fall down and worship. But someone else has been looking around. Instead of falling on their face and worshiping the statue set up, they were looking around at the others in attendance. They were not following the king’s command either.
When I was thinking about this situation, I was reminded of how our own churches can be at times. There are those who are fully engaged in worshiping the Lord. There are those who are somewhat distracted but trying to engage. There are those who are too busy looking around and judging what others are doing that they aren’t focused on the Lord at all. And there are those who refuse to participate in any form at all. Some of those who aren’t participating are merely curious and uncertain while others are adamantly opposed to joining in.
I miss assembling together in worship. My husband’s health prevents us from attending church. He can’t sit still that long. My favorite portion of the service is the worship time. I LOVE being transported into God’s presence through worship and praise. I have to admit though, that I have felt eyes on me at times and I get distracted. Even when I worship at home, I still worry about the eyes on me. It may be my own imagination or insecurities.
I’m in NO WAY equating worshiping God with worshiping any idol! An idol has NOTHING to offer in return for your worship. God does. He meets us in praise and worship. There is nothing like being in His presence!
Father God, thank You for bring me into Your presence. Thank You that You even meet me when I’m praising You by myself. I’m always welcome in Your presence, in both praise and ‘story time’. Thank You for replacing what I can’t participate in any more. I may not be gathering with others but WE gather together anyway. THANK YOU for Your love and grace.