Daniel 2:1-16 What’s My Dream?

We are in the second year of Nebuchadnezzar’s reign. He has a dream and wants to know the meaning. Instead of telling the dream, he asks “What’s my dream?”
The very first thing I noticed when reading our passage is the timeframe for this event. Nebuchadnezzar is in his second year of reigning. In his first year, he took Jehoiachin prisoner; along with many others. Daniel was among those taken. And he was to receive training for THREE years before being brought to stand before the king.
Let’s skip forward a bit and look at Daniel again. When the king became angry with his magicians and enchanters, he called for ALL of them to be killed. Arioch, the captain of the king’s guard, sought out Daniel and his companions to be part of those killed. This means that Daniel’s wisdom was already known; unless ALL the captive youths were included. Daniel had already established a reputation in wisdom; enough of one that it got his name on the ‘list’ of wise men. That’s pretty amazing, especially considering that his ‘training’ wasn’t finished yet. He should not have been expected to have all this knowledge yet.
Back to the king now. What the king asked was IMPOSSIBLE for man to do! Demanding the meaning of a dream that he wouldn’t even share with those of whom he inquired. But I also understand why he demanded it be done this way. ANYONE can hear a dream and come up with some sort of explanation for it. The king was desperate for the RIGHT answer. He didn’t want to open the door even a crack for the wrong answer. He was looking for supernatural intervention.
When Daniel was made aware of the situation and how urgent it was, he didn’t hesitate. “Make me an appointment with the king and I will show him the interpretation of his dream.” Daniel KNEW what had been asked for from the king. Daniel trusted that God wanted the king to understand his dream. And he KNEW that GOD was the ONLY ONE who could meet the king’s demand.
Daniel ‘stuck his neck out’ for this. Daniel hadn’t asked God for help, yet. He didn’t even have a vision that told him to seek out the king. Daniel stepped out in FAITH. Faith that God would give him the answers when the time was right. Faith that the guards would bring him before the king instead of carrying out his original instructions. Faith that the king would listen to him at all.
Had Daniel appeared before the king already? What got him on that ‘wisdom’ list? How did Daniel, an exile, have enough clout to be able to get the KING’S chief guard to listen to him?
Father God, I would like a measure of Daniel’s confidence/faith. I’m not certain where I would use it. Probably here, in our time together. I know I would like more confidence when reading Your word. Confidence that I have heard You in our time together. Confidence enough to say the HARD things. I seem to try and sidestep the ‘elephants’ in the room. Help me also KNOW when it is time to exercise that confidence.