Daniel 1:1-7 Taken Captive

We step back in time to when Jehoiakim is taken captive to Babylon. Along with the king, selected others are taken. Daniel is one of them.
Before we start into the book of Daniel, let me say that I am TOTALLY unequipped for this journey. I have learned over the years that the book of Daniel is filled with end times prophecies. I feel over my head in these waters. But I’m going in anyway. The ONLY way I will make it through is to rely on the Holy Spirit. This is true of ALL the previous books too, but especially true now. So, hold on tight with me and see where He takes us!
The first thing we see is the timeline for Nebuchadnezzar’s entry into Judah’s history. Jehoiakim is in his third year of ruling the people. This would not be the end of Jehoiakim’s reign. He would be returned to Jerusalem as Nebuchadnezzar’s vassal. Jehoiakim would rebel against Nebuchadnezzar and be killed in his eleventh year of reigning. He was an EVIL king and did much against the Lord.
After his death, his son, Jehoiachin, would reign for a total of three months and ten days before he too was taken captive by Nebuchadnezzar. Jehoiachin would NOT return to Judah and never reign again. Thirty years later he would find favor in Nebuchadnezzar’s successor’s, Evil- Merodach, eyes and sit at his table.
I’m getting ahead of myself. We need to get back to the time of Jehoiakim’s capture. The king was NOT the only one taken. Nebuchadnezzar wanted the most skilled men and youths of Judah to also be taken. This is where we meet Daniel.
Daniel was not some farm hand or a shepherd from the fields. Daniel was among those personally selected by Nebuchadnezzar’s chief eunuch, Ashpenaz. He was “to bring some of the people of Israel, both of the royal family and of the nobility, youths without blemish, of good appearance and skillful in all wisdom, understanding learning, and competent to stand in the king’s palace” (verses 3b-4a). Meaning, that Daniel was of nobility, VERY smart and handsome. Daniel would have already proven himself in the halls of Judah. And so would Daniel’s three closest comrades; Hananiah (Shadrach), Mishael (Meshach), and Azariah (Abednego).
The choice captives from Judah were treated quite well, in the eyes of the king. One would almost say they were treated like royalty. They ate what the king ate and drank what he drank. They were also educated in the language, literature and customs of the Chaldeans. They did not go hungry and were not mistreated. No prison chains for these youths. They were trained to, one day, stand before the king and give him counsel.
Prison bars and chains are not the only way one can be held captive. Do not be fooled! No matter how lavish the ‘cage’, Daniel and his friends were captives. BUT they were NOT abandoned in their captivity. We will see God’s favor on them throughout their time in Babylon. They were faithful to the Lord before captivity and would remain so for the rest of their lives. THIS is what would set them apart from the rest of the captives. But that’s a story for another day.
The last thing I want to point out before we wrap up for today is that GOD GAVE Nebuchadnezzar this victory. It wasn’t some internal strength, strategic planning, or the fortune of their gods that allowed Nebuchadnezzar to take Jehoiakim prisoner. God even ALLOWED some of the “vessels” of His house to be taken during this conquest. I notice that the vessels taken were NOT set up as objects of worship or as objects proving superiority in the house of Nebuchadnezzar’s god. They were put in the treasury with the rest of the conquered wealth. When the Philistines brought the Ark of the Lord into the house of their god, he wound up on his face one morning and headless the next. God allowed His pieces to be taken but NOT His name or power to be mocked.
Father God, I have NO DOUBT that YOU directed Nebuchadnezzar’s eunuch’s choices. YOU ensured Your voice would be heard in the land of Babylon. You introduced Yourself to the king through these men. Because of who YOU sent, the captives then, and later on, would still hear Your voice. And so would the captors. I suppose that’s one way to ‘spread the gospel’.
As a woman, I wouldn’t have had a chance of being chosen for this ‘task’ at that time. But, today, You have allowed me to serve in a portion of the role You put Daniel in. THANK YOU that I’m not serving from any kind of prison! Let me be as faithful though. Let me share YOUR words with clarity, integrity, love and FAITH. Lead me to where YOU want me to go Holy Spirit.