Amos 1:2-2:3 Three and Four

God pronounces judgment on all of Israel’s neighbors for three and four offenses. Curious that He doesn’t name them all, but their judgment is firm.
God pronounces judgment on six of Israel’s neighbors and ALL of them have fire as part of their judgment. Every judgment starts out with the same phrase: “For three transgressions of” _____ “and for four, I will not revoke the punishment”. God only lists one MAJOR offense for each group, but it is one that He takes quite seriously.
One offense that really surprised me is His count against Moab. Moab’s offense was not against Israel but against her brother, Edom. They “burned to lime the bones of the king of Edom” (verse 2:1b). This offense so angered God that He said; “I will cut off the ruler from its midst, and will kill all its princes with him” (verse 2:3). I don’t know if this means that the whole nation would die but they have disappeared from history after being conquered by Babylon. They were a people no more.
In every judgment God pronounced, He chose to use fire to devour at least some part of the nation or people. He also chose to send two groups into exile. The Ammonites and Damascus both ended in exile and both had done their offense to the land and people of Gilead.
The treatment of God’s people when they were, or would be, sent into exile was another offense that God took to heart. Gaza “carried into exile a whole people to deliver them to Edom” (verse 1:6b). Tyre committed the SAME offense.
Edom was Israel’s nearest relative. They were from the line of Esau; Jacob’s twin. These nations should have been strong allies, but Edom refused to show compassion on Israel when she had them in her hands. Not only did she not show compassion on those who were her “brothers.” She actively pursued them with the sword and cast off all pity for them. Edom was not fully destroyed.
These offenses had not happened yet. Amos’ time was before the northern kingdom of Israel fell. The people had not gone into exile yet. But He KNEW they would and He KNEW how they would treat His people during that time. He sees the WHOLE tapestry laid out in front of him. We only see part of that tapestry.
Something else about these offenses listed. The people did NOT repent of them, even though they were warned BEFORE these sins took place. God is faithful to forgive our sins when we come to Him. He even tells us that He casts them into the sea of forgetfulness. He CHOOSES to remember them “no more.”
The fact that these nations were not His people probably had a lot to do with Him not changing their punishment. God won’t operate in a life that refuses Him. And He certainly won’t ignore their sins. ALL who reject Him will receive punishment. And part of that punishment is eternal flames; fire.
Punishment isn’t the only use for fire in God’s ‘arsenal’. He uses it to refine and purify too. I wonder if that was part of His intent for the nations He didn’t completely destroy. It certainly is one of the main aims when He uses it with His own people, which we will see the next time we are together.
Thank You Father God for making a way for salvation and reconciliation. I KNOW I have not earned this gift on my own but Jesus’ blood paid for it for me. Even the sins I haven’t committed yet. That BLOWS my mind Father! But that is just another part of Your nature. You know me better than I know myself.
Father God, use Your refining fire and burn away all the chaff that is in me. Purify my heart; especially the impatience I exhibit too often. I know it’s a risky prayer but I really do want this aspect of me to change.