Amos 1:1 Meet Amos

We meet Amos, a man who has no pedigree as a prophet, who God uses anyway. Though he is from the land of Judah, he will be a prophet to the kingdom of Israel.
Amos should give hope to all of us ordinary people. Even to the lowest of societies’ ranks. We have learned well the lesson of the shepherds who first bore witness to Jesus’ birth. How they were the lowest in society but were chosen by God to be the first to carry the news of the new King.
Shepherds were on such a low rung in society that it took at LEAST two who agreed to be trusted to bear witness to any matter. The witness of two or three on any matter was required for legal matters under God’s law but the shepherds word required even more proof to stand as evidence. Even when Joseph introduced his family to Pharaoh knew that being a shepherd was NOT and honored occupation. He asked that his family not tell Pharaoh their occupation.
When we meet Amos, one of the first things we learn about his is that he is a shepherd. He does not hide this fact. He doesn’t try to make himself out as anything but a humble man doing an ordinary job. He doesn’t even give us his father’s name to place him within one of the tribes of Israel.
Amos shares with us only a little information at this time. In chapter 7 we will learn a little more about his life, but not a lot. He gives us the city from where he keeps sheep; Tekoa. This city was in the territory of Judah, south of Jerusalem. It is interesting that, although Amos comes from the land of Judah, he will be a prophet to the land of Israel.
And Amos gives us a rough date as to when he first began his ministry. He gives us the kings of both kingdoms during his lifetime. He also gives us a more precise point for his message in mentioning “the earthquake” and its relation to his timeline. When I Googled an earthquake in the time of Jeroboam, it came back with a date of 760 BC. Amos said he began bringing God’s message two years before that time, making it 762 BC for his timely words to Israel.
Amos gives us ordinary people hope. Hope that God can use us too; no matter what our background. Or where we are from. We know this from MANY of God’s other choices of people to bring His words, and even rule, to the nation of Israel. Remember; Israel’s greatest king was a shepherd. His name was David. And he was the YOUNGEST of all his family. NOT one that would be expected to be a king.
Besides being a shepherd, Amos shared another trait with King David. It was a willingness to follow wherever God took him. Amos and David went where God led them. It didn’t matter the hardships they would encounter. It didn’t even matter what those around them thought of their task. They served the Lord with their whole heart.
And God used their faithfulness in MIGHTY ways! I don’t know how many years Amos spoke to the nation of Israel but his message was powerful enough that it was recorded for all history to see. He wasn’t able to change Israel’s course or draw them back to God, but that didn’t stop him from sharing the message God gave him. His words would add weight to the words spoken by other prophets that God had and would send to His people. This shepherd’s words didn’t stand alone but they spoke boldly of the heart of God.
Father God, I want to be like Amos. Willing to go where You send me and to say the words You have for Your people to hear. I know there are topics that I’m reluctant to delve deep into for fear of hurting someone. If this caution is from You, thank You for keeping me constrained. If it is from Satan, BREAK every bond that holds me back. Show me where, when, and what to stand up for; to hold the firm line. Show me also where, when, what and how to show Your love and compassion and love in those hard times.
Please Father, NEVER let me be an instrument of confusion. THANK YOU for letting me share Your words with others. KEEP ME in line with Your word AT ALL TIMES.