Proverbs 24:13-14 Wise Words #26

Once you have tasted God’s wisdom you CRAVE more! Let it drive you back to Him like you would in returning to a SUPER SPECIAL treat.
I have never been a honey eater. Maybe because I have never had it fresh from the hive. That is where the honeycomb comes from too. I’m too scared of bees to even try! In our world it’s not the only source of sweetness. We have sweet treats EVERYWHERE! Sometimes we (I) eat so much of it that we (I) become sick. Few of them can be called “good for you”. Just noticed that our author didn’t say “good for you” but “for it is good”. I wonder if it is the same thing in his mind.
Have you ever had a special food that is ‘calling your name’? Try as hard as you can to ignore it, or distract yourself from it, the thought of eating it won’t go away! There are MANY foods I won’t let in my house, or let in only small quantities, for this very reason. Red vines from the American Licorice Company is one of them. ONCE IN A WHILE I will purchase a small box of them but I have learned that the tub of them CANNOT enter my residence. It will be gone in a few days with me being the one to make it disappear.
God wants us to CRAVE time with Him, His wisdom, and His word. He CRAVES for us to be so drawn to these attributes of Him that we can’t help but come to get another ‘serving’. He wants to see us curl up with His word and get drawn into the story. To dig deep and find what it holds for us. To explore the events around it. And mostly to listen to His Spirit as He gives it LIFE in our lives.
I’m reminded of watching my middle son eat ice cream. He gets a big dish and the smallest spoon he can find. One day he got a spoon used to feed a baby. I asked him why and he told me that he loves ice cream SO MUCH that he wants to “savor every bite.” He fills his spoon with ice cream, brings it to his mouth and then only closes his mouth enough to take a small layer off the spoon. It might take him three times to finish even a small spoon full. Then he goes back for more. He takes his time to enjoy EVERY bite; to get the FULL flavor of it. When he is done, he is satisfied with the experience. But he will return again in a day or two for another serving if it is available.
That’s a GREAT way to approach God’s word. Get a ‘dish full’ (a portion of verses), take it a bite at a time while savoring each morsel. ‘Taste’ each bite. Take time to explore what is before you. Keep ‘eating’, bit by bit until you are satisfied with the ‘flavor’, ‘texture’, ‘consistency’ and experience.
Concentrate, give it your full attention, as you sit with His word. Remove as many distractions as possible. Read it several times while asking the Holy Spirit to bring to you the ways to apply it to your life. Know that you will NEVER exhaust the well of LIFE contained in each word He recorded. You CANNOT get it all in one sitting. And if you TRULY put your heart and soul into digging into His word, you can’t help but hear it ‘calling your name’ to come explore a bit more. THIS is when you KNOW you are ‘hooked’ and will feel empty if you miss a day with Him.
Father God, THANK YOU for our time together! I DO feel the draw of Your word. I hear You calling out to me to come and explore. It used to be a chore I had to do but NOW it is my FAVORITE part of the day! I feel empty on the days that get so busy that I can’t spend time with You. I also feel guilty. THANK YOU for telling me that I haven’t let You down during those times. THANK YOU for Your grace.