Proverbs 19:12 Good with the King

Solomon speaks of how your relationship with the king can have a HUGE impact on your life. Stay in good standing with the real King.
Here is another stand-alone proverb. We have had proverbs like this before but this one is unique in its placement. I wonder what was going on when Solomon was inspired to revisit this theme. Was he having trouble with someone? Did someone do something amazing for him? We won’t know unless we can ask him in Heaven.
This morning, as I was reading, a song popped into my head and I HAD to go looking for it. It is about being in the presence of the TRUE King. I Just Want to be Where You Are says it ALL! God is the King I care about angering and pleasing. His Kingdom and rule surpass EVERY king that ever lived.
When I was a child, there were times I didn’t want to be in my father’s presence. I ALWAYS wanted him near me but when he was angry I stayed out of reach. His love for me never failed even when he was angry. He corrected each of us when we needed it and loved us still while doing it.
I remember my mother one time remarking on something she heard her mother say when she was young. When her mother spanked her she would say, “This hurts me more than it hurts you.” That day, my mom was teasing a little because she was holding her hand because it physically hurt after spanking one of my brothers. She said, “Now I see why mom always said ‘This hurts me more than it hurts you.’” As a child it was kind of funny. When I grew a little wiser I realized it wasn’t the physical pain both received but the emotional pain. Her heart hurt because she had to correct one of her children. It hurt because they needed it and because she was the one who had to administer it. But she also knew that without that correction we would be hurt even more. We would grow up without boundaries and without love. We wouldn’t learn right from wrong without some form of correction and guidance.
God LOVED Israel so much that He corrected them. He LOVES me so much that He corrects me too! It’s not easy standing still and receiving the correction needed but is essential for my life. And the ONLY reason we incur His wrath is because He LOVES us deeply.
Think of an earthly king. He cares nothing for the people who are not part of his kingdom. He doesn’t try and ‘correct’ them unless they have done something to hurt HIS people. It matters not to him what other kingdoms do, so long as they don’t come against him. But poke the bear and receive his wrath! His own subjects though ARE important to him. They are to abide by his rules. If they don’t then it is his duty to correct them. He may be upset with them on their first offense but if they continue in their disobedience, his wrath comes out and is poured out on them. They get the full weight of his anger, power, and authority. Why? Because he cares about them and how they impact his kingdom.
So let’s go back up and flip the coin.
When my dad was proud of me, my face shined like the sun! I wanted to please him all the time. When difficulty came I knew I could ALWAYS call on him and he would be there for me. I NEVER doubted his love!
My mother’s love was also never in question. She displayed it every day. She laughed with us, praised us, and listened to our cares. My parents were both ‘huggers’ and there was nowhere safer to be than encircled by those arms. We shared our hearts with her because we KNEW she shared hers with us.
God’s love will NEVER fail, even when I do. When He is happy with how I am living, He shows His approval. When I am scared, He wraps me in His arms. When I just want to talk, He is ALWAYS willing to listen. He will NEVER not be my King. And I always want to please Him. “His favor is like dew on the grass” (verse 12b). It nourishes my soul. I just want to be where HE is!
Father God, thank You for once again answering my prayer of “where to today”. You always have something to show me when I faithfully come to You and ask. Forgive me for the times I have rushed ahead without thinking. The times I thought I knew where to go with Your word. The journey is ALWAYS better and much more fulfilling with You in the lead.
Thank You for my parents! They were my first teachers when it came to love. Because they loved me well, I learned how to give and receive love. I didn’t have to overcome an abusive parent relationship to learn of Your true love. And I DO love You Father God! Thank You for loving me!!!