Proverbs 11:1-11 Better Business

This section of Solomon’s inspired words focus on business and personal integrity. Personal integrity is crucial in business.
I’m still letting my bible helps lead me in breaking down the sections. They say these verses focus on matters of financial and personal security. Let’s see what the Spirit highlights for us today as He knows God’s word even better than any scholars. NOT knocking the scholars.
When thinking about the first verse I’m reminded of a movie made about the life of Joseph. Sorry, I can’t remember the title but in it Joseph is watching as Potiphar is conducting business. Joseph notices something strange about the man’s weights he is using. He quietly comes over to investigate and somehow one of the weights gets dropped and shatters. Potiphar is aghast and throws the man out. This was the beginning of Potiphar trusting Joseph with his household. It showed Joseph’s integrity and character in that he wasn’t going to allow his master to be cheated by anyone.
A righteous man is a man of integrity in all aspects of his life. He may not be the richest man on the block but he is the one most at peace with himself and the Lord. He is not prideful, even in regards to his integrity, because he knows that without the Lord’s help he wouldn’t be able to maintain that integrity.
This man can be trusted to keep his word. If he makes a promise he will honor it fully. He is not deceitful or manipulative. His intent is always for the good. Even in business, he sets standards that benefit both parties.
My mother taught me right standards in ‘business’ when it comes even to shopping. Everyone is quick to point out a mistake that over charges them but not many will point out mistakes that under charge them. My mom taught me, “If you want them to be honest with you, be honest with them. Be willing to point out mistakes, especially when they are in your favor.” You would be surprised to know how many clerks and businesses are shocked by customers willing to do this. I have found that sometimes the company is so pleased by your honesty that they will reward it by allowing you to keep the lower prices. But you need to be just as gracious to the ones who correct the mistake and charge you the correct price. Be willing to do this even if the mistake isn’t recognized at the time of the transaction. As long as it is within your power, be honest in all your dealings.
The dishonest man looks out for his “bottom line” in business and in life. It is of no consequence to him how he gains his fortunes. Deceit and manipulation are simply tools he uses to line his pockets. He has no integrity. His promises mean nothing; their only purpose being to persuade someone to do as he wishes. This is the stereotypical used car salesman or politician.
The last few verses of this section talk about how the “city” profits from the integrity of the righteous or is destroyed by the deceit of the wicked. How true this is! Think of when there were actually politicians who kept their word and worked for the good of the people. Yes, there were a few. As a result, the nation prospered. The lack of integrity has brought many a nation to the brink of disaster, including the one I live in.
The problem with this nation now is that everyone is so concerned for their own special interests that they forget about everyone else. “If you don’t fit, you don’t get it!” Also that they are calling evil good and good evil. There is STILL a difference between right and wrong and integrity matters.
Father God forgive me for my lapses in integrity. Help me make right whatever is wrong. I want to walk in Your will in all areas of my life. Help me become a TRUE woman of integrity.
I’m tired Father. Help me rest tonight and PLEASE stop the itching my husband is experiencing.