Proverbs 1:1-7 Knowledge Beginning

It’s time to begin our lessons. Proverbs is a collection of the wisdom given to Solomon by the Lord. Knowledge’s beginning is the fear of the Lord.
This is one of the books that I feel completely out of my depth coming to. I know that many of the proverbs contained within seem very simple but taken together there is a wealth of information that I feel like I am drowning in. All I can do is take it one step at a time and trust the Holy Spirit to revel to me what I need for each day.
You could probably say that I am at the beginning of wisdom because I fear missing what the Lord has to say. I want to be one of the “wise” that hear and increase in learning. God gave Solomon SO much wisdom because he asked for it above all else. I don’t know that I put that as my number one goal all the time but it should be.
I have gone to college and obtained three degrees; Associates, Bachelors, and Masters. They are each in different fields. Each time I graduated I felt like a fraud. I was supposed to be able to do amazing things now, according to this piece of paper. But I was terrified because I didn’t really think I mastered the skills required for the jobs I would now be seeking. Funny thing is, the only degree I have actually employed in the work force is my first degree because I really wasn’t qualified for the positions being offered when job searching after the other two. They wanted experience in the field and, as a new graduate, I had none.
This is how I feel when approaching the book of Proverbs. I have read the words before and have tried to apply some of them to my life, but I am standing here shaking as I recognize the enormity of sharing with You whatever God gives to me. “What if I get it wrong?” “What if I sound stupid and people laugh at me?” “But what if the Holy Spirit has something special and I miss it by being too scared to try?” That last one would be the worst so here we go!
Father God, open my heart as I read Your word. Help me gain knowledge, understanding, and most of all wisdom from Your words that were given to Solomon. Knowledge is nothing without the wisdom required to put it into practice. Help me use the knowledge You placed here for me in my life. It does no good unless I actually apply it to my life. And these principles ARE life changing when applied. I want to be more like You at the end of this journey Father.