Job 37:1-24 God’s Majesty

Elihu is rightly in awe of God’s majesty. Lightning and thunder, clouds and rain are two of God’s creations that Elihu uses to conclude his rebuke of Job.
Much had been burning in the heart of Elihu as he quietly listened to the argument between Job and his three friends. Being younger than the other men, he waited to hear if they would all reach the right conclusions. If Job’s friends would disclose the source of Job’s sin and if Job would recognize the truth of it when they did.
Both sides of the argument failed to elicit the meaning of Job’s lesson. Elihu could contain himself no longer. He admonished Job’s friends for not finding the cause of Job’s struggle. And he admonished Job for his self-righteous attitude. Elihu clearly pointed out Job’s sin, through wisdom from the Holy Spirit.
As he wraps up his speech his heart soars with love for his God. “At this also my heart trembles and leaps out of its place” (verse 1).
This verse could actually be taken two ways. Elihu is talking about lighting and thunder and how they are an image and an instrument of God. He is describing the Lord wielding the lightening and using it for His purposes. He is also speaking of its power and might. This verse then could be seen as indicating that he was startled by the lighting when it crashes and the thunder rumbles. It could also speak of his awe and excitement at the workings of the hand of the Lord. I’m leaning towards the second meaning. I know my old dog would be leaning towards the first, as lightning terrified him.
Elihu seems to be in awe of the lightning and thunder. He KNOWS that they are forces of God that NO MAN can control. Only God can. He also sees the lightning as God’s instrument. He equates the sounds generated by the lightning and even the thunder as being the very voice of God. It communicates for God but they are words that man cannot understand. We can only watch and behold the majesty of God.
Elihu also looks at the clouds, the snow, the rain, and even the changing of the seasons as examples of God’s majesty. I love how he describes the clouds! “He loads the thick clouds with moisture; the clouds scatter His lightning. They turn around and around by His guidance, to accomplish all that He commands them on the face of the habitable world. Whether for correction or for His land or for love, He causes it to happen” (verses 11-13).
I can see God stirring the clouds with the tip of His finger. Moving them about to bring the rain, snow, or light covering for the sky. He knows exactly what each part of His creation requires, including when part of that creation requires correction.
I wonder how much thought He has to put into it each day. Does He stir the clouds around or does He watch as His creation moves through its cycles He ordered for it? Does He bring the hurricane, the flood, or the drought? Or are they simply a part of the order He established when He created the world? I am CERTAIN He does some of it as the stories of Elijah shutting up the heavens and the drought of Joseph’s time demonstrates. But is he daily involved in our weather?
We know that He is perfectly capable of altering the ‘natural events’ of our planet as He demonstrated when He made the “sun stand still” for Joshua. Because the earth orbits the sun we should say that the earth stood still and stopped spinning for a day. He also hurled down hailstones on the enemies of Israel that same day. Talk about putting His fingerprints all over the lives of His children!
When I think of God’s majesty I look to a LOT smaller things. I like to consider the flowers. Each petal intricately attached together to form the magnificent rose, lilac, daisy, peony, violet, or carnation. The different scents of the flowers brings wonder to my mind. He is an Artist and a Master Perfumer! I NEVER tire of seeing these amazing wonders.
I find Elihu’s choice of focus for God’s amazing majesty appropriate for what is about to happen next. God is about to state His own case with Job and He does so from a whirlwind. I guess using a flower wouldn’t have done the trick in this instance.
Father God, You are AMAZING! The things You have created and use in my life continue to blow me away. I still remember the lessons of Your faithfulness and always being with me that You showed to me with the trees. How Your Spirit spoke to mine in such a simple way that even I couldn’t miss the message. My heart LEAPA within me at the wondrous works of Your hands and the KNOWLEDGE that You made them just for me!
For any who want to know the story of the trees:
I was driving one day, traveling between schools as the occupational therapist for the region. While driving I was feeling a little lonely for home. My children and I were living in Tennessee while my extended family resided in Oregon. I was missing my pine trees and I said as much in my spirit.
The Holy Spirit spoke to me and pointed out that there were ‘pine trees’ scattered throughout the other trees. I did look closer and, sure enough, I found some. Then He spoke to me and said that He was like those ‘pine trees’. When things were good, as in the other trees were in bloom, it was harder to see Him because I wasn’t really looking. But when things were tough, as in winter time, He stood out in plain view. I made it a point to look for Him, and the ‘pine trees’ in the good times too and to be thankful for His continual presence in my life.
Today is a good day and I was very busy this morning. But my day was not ‘whole’ until I came and spent time on His lap.
Thank You for reminding me to look for You again Father. Help me complete the tasks set before me in our home. Keep watch over our finances and help me manage them so we can finish what was started so long ago.