Job 10:1-22 What I Would Say

Job is still defending himself against Bildad, who told him just to repent and get it over with. “Here is what I would say to God if I could.”
Clearly distraught, Job asks God “Why?!” “Why did You make me if only to crush me?” Job knows that God is his creator. “You fashioned and made me…” (verse 8a). But Job also sees Him as his destroyer. “…and now you have destroyed me altogether” (verse 8b). “How can these to be” he asks.
If only he could take Bildad’s advice; repent and be done with it. Repent of what though? Just going through the motions isn’t going to solve Job’s problems. Job wants a “why” for all he is going through. He can’t think of a single thing he has done that would put him on the bad side of God. He has examined his heart and found no sin, so why is he being ‘punished’ as if he had?
These are the things Job wants to say to God personally. He is crying out for answers instead of relief. He has apparently given up on relief. All he sees before him is his death. “Did You take such care in making me and caring for me all these years just so You could crush me this way? What was it that I did to earn this treatment? ‘If I am guilty, woe to me! If I am in the right, I cannot lift up my head, for I am filled with disgrace and look on my affliction’ (verse 15).”
In Job’s case we are shown a glimpse into Heaven where God and Satan contend for Job’s soul. God isn’t crushing Job, Satan is. God is allowing it by removing His protection that Job has enjoyed for YEARS. A protection that he has ‘earned’ by being faithful to the Lord. But Job said it himself before, if he were to present his life to God, NO MAN is blameless before God. God is holy and even as spotless as Job’s life is, it cannot measure up to God’s holiness.
Job is crying, “Why do You hate me so? YOU made me! You knit my bones together. You brought me out of my mother’s womb. You blessed me and taught me what love is. Was it only for this day, when You would crush me? Is THIS why I was made?! If so, I wish You had killed me before I was even born. I HATE MY LIFE!!!”
I understand Job’s misery. I hear his despair. But this moment is NOT all that there was to his life. He had a good life. He touched others along the way and taught them about God. God blessed him beyond measure. And He STILL had a purpose for Job or He would have taken him out of the world.
Hold on Job for a little bit longer. God is doing something in you that you can’t see yet.
Hold on you too. God made each of us for a reason. That ‘reason’ is that He LOVES us! It is NOT His intention to crush us but to refine us. Even in the darkest night, morning is on its way. As sure as the sun rises, He will show us His hand and at least part of the answers we seek. “Why, because I have something more for you in store. What, just wait and see. How, by holding tightly to My hand. Remember My faithfulness and trust Me to complete what I started.”
Father God, THANK YOU that You are NOT finished with me yet. I don’t know what You have for me tomorrow in my life but I KNOW it will be good! Why, because it comes from YOU! You have proven Yourself faithful in both good times and bad. I can trust You with my life. After all, You made me.
I PRAY there are no times like Job’s ahead for me! But if there are, I KNOW that You will be with me in them. I’m holding on with ALL my strength. I’m SO GLAD You are holding on too! My hands might slip but Yours WON’T! Little by little…