Deuteronomy 1:1-8 Moses Recounts

In Deuteronomy Moses sits down at the end of his journey and recounts it for the people. “In the fortieth year, on the first day of the eleventh month” (verse 3).
It has been one month and two weeks shy of 41 years since Israel set out on this journey. The first 11 months were spent making their way to the Promised Land including time to construct the Tabernacle. Then 40 years wandering where God led them until everyone, except Caleb and Joshua, from the original generation died.
Moses knows his time is coming to an end. He won’t be allowed to go into the Promised Land. But he wants to sit down with the people and go back over their journey. He wants them to take to heart the lessons learned along the way. He wants to ensure that they don’t repeat the sins of their fathers. I see this interaction as very personal storytelling event instead of as a great leader to his congregation. It reminds me of Jesus and His great message on the mountaintop.
I don’t know yet how long this story is going to take him but we are along for the duration. When the story is finished they will have work to do. “See, I have set the land before you. Go in and take possession of the land that the Lord swore to your fathers, to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, to give to them and to their offspring after them” (verse 8).
We have walked through the scriptures with Moses for some time. I have the distinct feeling that we are going to be going over some of the same concepts we covered during Exodus, Leviticus and Numbers. I don’t know what God has in store for us when we walk in familiar territory but I trust He will lead us when we get there.
I honestly have been wondering about this myself. I’m anxious to “get on the road again” with the stories. I find those stories much easier to engage with. I like looking at them in first person format. But I don’t know how to do that with repeated information, especially when we are looking at specific laws. I trust Him to bring exactly what HE wants to each time I come. He is faithful! So join me as we see where Moses’ story takes us and what the Holy Spirit chooses to share with us about it. There is ALWAYS something He has for me (us) to learn from God’s word.
Holy Spirit, thank You that You always lead me when we sit together. Thank You for showing me God’s heart. Thank You for illuminating different things for me each time we meet, even when the story is familiar. Thank You that the well is NEVER dry when it comes to the depths of God’s word. Please give me a hunger to look deeper as we go through Deuteronomy together. Lead me and I will follow.