Ephesians 1:1-2 Greetings Ephesian Believers

We have come to another beginning. Paul is beginning his words of encouragement to the Ephesian church. This book is much more positive than the last few we have read. I don’t want to do a spoiler but I read the rest of the book and it is a happy book. No huge issues to address with this group. Paul is able to get to the “meat” of Christian living instead of addressing the basics again. I, for one, am very glad to move on to more.
We notice right away that Paul’s intended audience is different from his greeting. He opens his letter, “To the saints who are in Ephesus, and are faithful in Christ Jesus” (verse 1b). He is not addressing a discordant group but a “faithful” group. This is a group I would like to have been numbered with.
Regardless of the group’s standing though, Paul asks for the same gifts from God that he prays for whenever he addresses a group; grace and peace from God and Jesus. We ALL need these EVERY day! Paul knows that truth. God knows that truth even better. Accepting Jesus’ work on the cross is all about those two gifts. Thank God for them and thank Him that He gives those same gifts continually.
I’m looking forward to where God takes us in this book. I miss the personal walking with Jesus stories but I know there is more to our walk than just those times. I guess it is time to sit down and see where He would have us walk now.
Father God, I’m so grateful that Your word is not one big “don’t”. I love the stories You put in it. I don’t enjoy the correction but know it is essential. But I also love learning more about how our daily walk should look. I like that this book is filled with “do’s” instead. Please lead me as I work my way through it, bringing those along who want to accompany us too. Bless them with the words You share with me. That is my desire Lord; to be a conduit for Your words and blessings. Thank You for Your grace and peace in my life every day. I’ll take more of that anytime!