Micah 2:1-13 Oppressor

God says that the oppressor will suffer for their deeds. He will humble them. These are charges against His own people who oppress others.
Father God, PLEASE don’t let this be me! In the conflict I’m in with my neighbor, I’m afraid I have become the oppressor instead of the oppressed. The things being done ARE wrong and I have reported them as so, but is it with a right spirit? I have prevented some of the retaliation ‘others’ have requested. I have kept what peace I can, but after the words spoken at me this morning, I feel guilty and ashamed. Show me where to go from here. And if the ‘next step’ is simply not speaking to the neighbor again (as he clearly wishes), I will honor that too Father. I don’t like anger! I especially don’t like it aimed at me or hurting other people.
I’m sorry everyone. I’m feeling convicted by the words of God through Micah. I don’t know how much of it is God’s Spirit and how much is the enemy. God is speaking to HIS chosen people with these words. Micah is not talking to the other nations that will take Israel and Judah captive. HIS people were preforming these acts, and many of those acts were against one another. Beyond that, WE ALL sin at times. I’m sincerely praying that I’m not following in their footsteps!
After MUCH prayer, and talking with my parents, I’m feeling better. I am not seeking evil at all and am actually praying that the wrongs that the neighbor is doing will be righted without undue hardship on him.
It is SO easy to slip into the role of the oppressor, for a time. I believe my soul searching today was to keep me from going deeper into conflict with my neighbor. I do NOT want to be spiteful or mean, just because I’m able or am angry over something he is doing. I’m leaving it in God’s hands. I have a shirt that says; “Sometimes I have to let God fix it, because if I fix it, I’m going to jail.” On target for today.
We have seen from other prophets speaking to Israel that they were oppressing the poor of their own people. By the time Micah came on the scene, there was a clear distinction between the ‘classes’; the wealthy and the poor. The wealthy were getting even more wealthy by oppressing the poor. Taking their land, forcing them into ‘slavery’, and even buying justice so they had no recourse. God called them out on this and told them to CEASE AND DECIST!
God said that He was “devising disaster, from which you cannot remove your necks” (verse 3b) for those who were oppressing others. This disaster would be Israel’s exile. The wealthy would be oppressed, just like those they were oppressing.
Those doing such deeds did NOT want to hear God’s reproach. ‘How dare someone say such a thing would happen against GOD’S people!’ The people were calling for those who “preached” their demise to be silent. We saw how they treated Amos. They wanted to run him out of town for his words at Bethel. “Go preach in Judah and leave us alone!” The people wanted to hear that they would do well in the land and prosper and could indulge in any pleasure they desired. “If a man should go about and utter wind and lies, saying, ‘I will preach to you of wine and strong drink,’ he would be the preacher for this people!” (verse 11).
Micah is going to share this same message with Judah because they have learned well from their brothers. Judah too became oppressive to the poor. If Micah were alive today, his message would hold much truth to it still. There are all kinds of oppression in our world! I couldn’t even begin to name all the forms of it.
One form of oppression I have dealt with in my life is spiritual oppression from Satan. He knows ‘where all my buttons’ are and LOVES ‘pushing’ them. I’m wondering if he was ‘helping’ me with my feelings this morning. I’m sure the guilt was coming from him. But I believe God was also telling me to check my heart. Not in condemnation but in concern that I stay on HIS ‘side of the line’ in this issue.
Satan has oppressed me for many years in the area of depression. I FULLY welcome medical science and medication that have helped me deal with the symptoms, but only GOD can TRULY free us from that oppression. Bring it to Him! He is ready and willing to listen. And HE can set you free!!! It may not be instantaneous or overnight, but He WILL break the chains of depression when we give Him our hearts.
Even those who have Jesus in their heart CAN suffer from depression. And GOD can deal with them in that place too! Battling depression DOES NOT mean you are not saved!!! It means you need help in receiving your freedom. God is ready to help, as SOON as you turn it over to Him. TOGETHER, He will walk with you out of those dark places. I KNOW, for He did it for ME. He wants to do it for you too.
Father God, thank You for walking me out of the DEEP DARK places in my life. I still have areas where I need You to ‘walk me out’ from. I TRUST YOU to light the path and to hold my hand as we walk together to victory. It’s not easy waiting for TOTAL victory, but I trust You and the path You have laid before me. Your ‘process’ WILL see me through. No matter the storms, I KNOW You are the Author of them and You says I am safe in them.