Jeremiah 17:1-13 Poison Pen

Judah’s sins are written with a poison pen; inscribed on their stone hearts. These sins will cost them their inheritance and their source will NOT sustain them.
Some of the prophecies Jeremiah receives are for him alone, while others are for the people. I’m pretty sure this one is in the second group. The people are being told again the depth, abundance AND cost of their sin.
The people are even teaching their children to search after other gods! The alters to false gods are popping up ALL OVER again. Josiah had them torn down and destroyed but the people have brought them back. “Asherim, beside every green tree and on the high hills” (verse b). The children don’t have to go far to see the example of their parents worshiping at the WRONG altars.
Because of this egregious sin, Judah is bound for judgment and destruction. With NONE to help. They are the shrub in the desert. Alone with NO source of help. No shade. No water. No protection of any kind. This is the lot of the man who trusts in his own flesh, in man’s protection, or in false gods.
Those, even in Judah, who are trusting in the Lord have a SURE hope. They are the tree planted by the water. They have a source that does NOT dry up. It is NEVER exhausted. Even in times of trouble, their source maintains them.
I’m wondering if Jeremiah sees himself in this section. We know that he was distressed by the rebuke of the people when he brought God’s words to them. Does he see the promise that God is giving here? This promise is for those who DO believe in Him and follow His ways. Jeremiah is the tree planted by the water. So is every other person in Judah who put their faith in the Lord.
Yes! Trouble is coming. But your ‘source’ will determine how you weather the storm. Are you trusting in your ability to make enough money that you can buy your way through it? Are you stockpiling everything so that you and yours will be safe? Are you trusting in your gun to protect you? Are you expecting to prevail against whatever may come? You will be VERY disappointed! Man, no matter his resources, CANNOT prevail against all that is coming.
Or are you trusting in the Father to care for you? Have you made room for Him to have His perfect will in your life? Have you handed your future over to him? Are you trusting or are you fretting? For one who is ‘rooted deep in the Lord’ you are SAFE in His arms. Nothing that man can do to you can separate you from the love of the Lord. At some point, physical lives will be lost. But THIS IS NOT the end! Even if we lose our physical life, God’s presence awaits us; those whose trust is in Him. Our eternal life is safe.
There is still time to make that choice. To search for the TRUE source and leave all others behind. Man cannot save you. Money cannot protect you. NOTHING can give you security except the Lord. Judah is going to join Israel soon and learn that lesson the HARD way. What will it take for you to learn it? “When all around is sinking sand, on Christ the SOLID Rock I stand.”
Father God, don’t let me look to ANYTHING else to ‘save’ me. I can use the ‘tools’ You have provided for me, but they are NOT my source. They are gifts for me to use AND share while in this world. They CANNOT take Your place even for a moment! You are my source ALWAYS.