Jeremiah 14:13-22 Liars!

Jeremiah has a question for the Lord. “There are prophets telling the people that all will be well. God’s answer is that they are outright LIARS.
God WILL NOT feed you two opposite answers. His “yes” is YES and His “no” is NO. So, how could Judah be getting both messages of safety and judgment? Jeremiah wants to know. Because if their message is right, his has to be wrong. And if you had to choose one or the other, wouldn’t it be nice if Jeremiah were wrong?
There is NO question who is right when Jeremiah brings this dilemma to God. “The prophets are prophesying lies in My name. I did NOT send them, nor did I command them or speak to them. They are prophesying to you a LYING vision, worthless divination, and deceit of their own minds” (verse 14). I don’t think God could be any clearer in His answer.
NOW He pronounces the punishment for their lies. Their lives are forfeit. And those who believe their lies are doomed to the same fate. The very things the false prophets claim will be avoided, will wipe them out.
This reminds me of the story of King Ahab and King Jehosaphat. Ahab wanted to go to war and for Jehosaphat to go with him. Jehosaphat asked to hear from God. Ahab called his prophets and they reported only good things. Jehosaphat wasn’t convinced this was the Lord’s words so he asked if there was another prophet. Micah was called to prophecy. At first, Micah said the same things the other prophets did, but Ahab knew he couldn’t be speaking the truth. Micah always spoke against Ahab. “Quit playing around and tell me the truth.” Micah then told him what God really had to say, and it WASN’T good.
Even after hearing the truth, Ahab and Jehosaphat went with the words of the false prophets. They went ‘prophecy’ or ‘outcome’ shopping. They knew what outcome they wanted and they ‘shopped around’ for someone who would agree with them. This is what the people of Judah were doing at the time of our story.
Things were bad! Drought was making food scarce for everyone, including the wild animals. And this came about AFTER Jeremiah started prophesying to them about God’s coming judgment. In his earlier prophecies, God spoke of giving them a chance to repent. This was when things were still going smoothly and they felt no need for concern. “Why should we worry? There’s not a cloud in the sky.”
When things started to get tough, Jeremiah was still calling out for repentance because God’s judgment was coming. “Surely not. Let’s go ask someone else.” Now the false prophets are sought after. “It’s going to be fine. Things will get better. God won’t let us down. No need to worry.” Those listening are lulled into a false sense of security. They can continue to fool themselves a while longer. NO need to listen to doom and gloom prophecies.
Now things are downright nasty. The false prophets are still giving their rosy outcome. “Maybe it’s going to take a little longer, but God’s got this. He won’t let us down. He WILL save us! He HAS to!!!” It’s a little harder for the people to buy this line now. But MANY of them still cling to this delusion. They want with all their might for it to be true, even though EVERY SHRED of evidence says it’s not.
The words of Jeremiah are coming true right before their eyes. One part of that word that is hard for Jeremiah AND the people is God’s resolve. “Surely He will give us one more chance!” They plead with every argument they can think of, but it does them no good.
I have a feeling that their pleading is done with one hand holding onto their preferred outcome while hedging their bets with the words of repentance. God has been known to stay His hand when the whole nation TRULY repents. Just ask Jonah about Ninevah. That leads me to believe that Judah’s repentance isn’t sincere, even at this point in time.
What would have happened if God had relented? Judah would have gone right back to what they were doing before. It might have taken a little while but God KNEW their hearts. I wonder if they were praying to the other gods at the same time they were making their pleas of repentance.
God would also have been called a liar if He had not gone through with His threats. This reminds me of the parent who threatens their child with discipline but never delivers it. After doing this multiple times, their word means nothing. They can threaten all they want and the child will ignore it. There is no carry through. God HAS to carry through on His word or His words mean nothing. So, when the people call out to Him asking Him to save them for His name’s sake, He is preserving His name by not listening.
Father God, I have the same question running through my spirit as I’ve had since You brought me to Jeremiah. “Is it too late?” I don’t know how to answer that question. I wish I could talk to You as clearly as Jeremiah did. I’m always afraid it’s my own imaginings. I don’t want to be one of those false prophets by speaking words that are NOT Yours. I don’t know what to say. I LOVE You and I LOVE Your children and those who are searching too. YOU are our ONLY hope!
REACH OUT NOW to Him! Don’t wait another minute! The hour is coming when it WILL be too late. Don’t take that chance!!! Don’t go ‘prophecy shopping’. Listen to God calling to You now! And KNOW that whatever comes, when you are in HIS hands, you are safe. Not ‘safe’ from ever having any hurt, but SAFE for eternity.