2 Chronicles 25:17-28 Demise

God determined to destroy Amaziah because of his idolatry. His demise comes through the people of Israel and his own people.
I’m wondering if Amaziah’s request to meet Joash, king of Israel, face to face was for war or for a treaty. In past times when someone says they will meet face to face it is usually for war. But Joash’s reply makes me wonder. Joash had nothing but contempt for Amaziah but his statement, “Give your daughter to my son for a wife” (verse 18b) leaves me with questions. Did he think Amaziah was proposing peace? Was he saying that Amaziah was so far beneath him that his request was ridiculous? It is interesting in his scenario that an outside force “trampled down the thistle” (verse 18c).
Joash recognized Amaziah’s attempt at a meeting for what it was; pride and arrogance. Whether for peace or for war Joash had no regard for Amaziah. I wonder if Joash knew that Amaziah’s own people were plotting against him. No alliance would be coming between these two kings.
The biggest reason there would be no peace between the two nations is because God said so. God let Amaziah’s ego go unchecked. I would go so far as to say He probably allowed Satan to inflate it. Amaziah had turned to other gods and he was taking the people of Judah with him. Amaziah EARNED punishment with his actions and how he responded to God’s correction. God’s correction is gentle when we listen but He WILL get out the big stick when necessary. Amaziah needed the BIG stick!
This is one battle were we are not given the sizes of the opposing forces. Why? Because it didn’t matter. Judah could have come at Israel with ten times the forces and they still would have fallen. God was NOT fighting for Judah but against them. He wasn’t exactly fighting for Israel but He made sure they came out the victors.
I want to point something out here. When Joash captured Amaziah he brought him back to Jerusalem. Joash ransacked Jerusalem, even with the fortifications all the kings had put in place, and he left Amaziah there when he was done. He had no respect for Amaziah or fear of him.
Amaziah’s own people didn’t want him. After he turned to idolatry they were determined to rid themselves of him. I wonder if this plan actually started after he shut the prophet up or after he dragged Judah into a lost war. We are not told when he fled to Lachish. And we don’t know how long it took for the people to go after him and kill him. We do know that it was at least 15 years after the battle with Joash before his life ended. Amaziah outlived Joash by 15 years and we know that Joash didn’t die in the battle.
Even though the people of Judah did not want Amaziah as their king, they still brought his body home for burial. They would not disrespect him so much as to abandon him in death. He was “buried with his fathers in the city of David” (verse 28b). Does this mean he was buried in the tomb of the kings or with the other kings who didn’t make it into the exalted place? I’m thinking the latter as he was NOT a loved king and his own people killed him.
I have a couple more questions on the matter of Amaziah’s death. Was it ALL of Judah who wanted rid of him or a select few? Were the people resisting the idolatry Amaziah brought in? I would hope so but I think that is just wishful thinking. Just a few kings later we are told that they still turn to the idol, even though their king served the Lord.
Another good starter and POOR finisher. I wonder what could have become of Judah if Amaziah had stayed the course with the Lord. If only his heart would have been sold out for God. Pride got in his way instead.
Father God protect me from the “if only…” scenarios. Thank You for my role models that have shown me the benefits of continued faithfulness. I know I haven’t always walked how You planned for me to walk but You directed my feet back every time I strayed. That redirection was something Amaziah refused to receive. Thank You for taking that irrational stubborn streak out of me so that I can listen better.