1 Timothy 4:6-16 Training in Godliness

Paul exhorts Timothy to ‘put it all together’ for himself and his hearers. This section is for Timothy personally but will impact his audience as a result. Yet, Paul’s instructions apply to each of us too.
Timothy has been charged to bring this group back into line with Paul’s teachings. Paul has also told him that not everyone will come back to the truth. But his job is to put it out there and to stand by it. Paul’s teachings and doctrines follow Jesus and Him only.
It falls to Timothy though to set a godly example in his own life in order to stand before the people as a leader. Paul has shared the characteristics of a godly leader with Timothy and instructed him in choosing such men to step into leadership roles. But Timothy must exemplify this in his life too. He has been doing so to this point. Paul encourages him to continue doing so and to even step it up a bit.
Look into your own life. What are you focusing on? Is it physical matters or spiritual ones? Both are important but only the spiritual matters TRULY matter. If you keep the main thing the MAIN thing, then the rest will fall into place. The MAIN thing is our relationship with God and how that plays out in our daily lives.
We all need to ask ourselves these questions: What kind of witness am I? Am I walking as God would have me to? Am I following after Him with my whole heart? Does my life reflect Him in control or me?
God can, and does, use us in every “evolution” of our spiritual journey. Sometimes He even uses us as a “bad” example for others not to follow. Remember Jonah? He didn’t set a very good example in the beginning of his “fish story” but we learned something from that experience.
God didn’t have Jonah in the position of leadership when he wasn’t following Him either. But those around him recognized God’s hand in action even in Jonah’s rebellious times too. More people were affected positively when he was following God though. I wonder how different the story would have been if he had followed God’s commands from the beginning.
I believe that the Holy Spirit is trying to impress on me this morning that when the leader IS following God’s commands; we, God’s children, need to follow. When the leader is not, he/she needs to step down from their leadership position.
NO ONE is perfect, except Jesus. And I am not holding leaders to perfection, but if they are not pursuing godliness in their own lives, they should not be attempting to lead God’s people.
We are all in the position to be leading someone to the Lord at all times though. Our lives are a living testimony to His love and grace. We may be the only “bible” that some people read. What’s written on your pages? Get through any way you can, or daily giving God the reins and following where He leads? If you give Him the reins you can be sure that where He leads will be worth the journey. I will guarantee it won’t always be easy but it WILL be worth it.
Father God, I want to be more like Jesus every day. I want to live a life that shouts of Your hand in it. I want to be a godly woman; one after Your own heart. I know I fall short of that too often. Forgive me for my attitude this morning. Thank You that it could have been worse, but wasn’t. Help me shine Your love in everything I do.
Help me too Lord to stay OUT of the matters that are not mine; even when others try to drag me in. Help those I care about to work out their issues in ways that reflect Your will and hand in their lives. Show them how to build TRUE godly character, not just claim to operate that way.