1 Kings 22:51-53 Ahaziah’s Reign

Ahaziah, the son of Ahab, comes onto the scene. He is an ungodly king, just like his father. And God will carry out judgment on him.
We are at the end of 1 Kings. Ahaziah is the last king addressed in this book. We only get a quick synopsis of his reign, and as before, we don’t have the Book of the Chronicles of the Kings of Israel to fill in the gaps.
Ahaziah worshiped the false gods his mother and father did. I’m assuming he is Jezebel’s son and she certainly wouldn’t have it any other way. He continued to lead Israel in these same practices. He did NOT turn the people back to God or turn to Him himself.
Remember back when Ahab humbled himself before the Lord after Elijah called him out for Naboth’s murder? God told Ahab that he wouldn’t bring about His judgment in his lifetime but in his son’s instead. The fact that God waited two years to deal with Ahaziah makes me believe He was giving him time to show what he would do with the people. God could have dealt with him in the same timespan Zimri received, SEVEN DAYS.I was just noticing that Jeroboam’s son and Baasha’s son also received two years to prove their hearts. Ahab joined the ranks of Jeroboam and Baasha in having their line wiped from the roles because of his sin. But all three sons were given an opportunity to correct their father’s ways. And all three failed to do so. They took Israel farther and farther away from God. They did evil in the sight of the Lord and caused Israel to sin. This was their legacy and the inscription on their tombstones, at least in God’s eyes. It is what is written in His Book of Judgment.
We don’t get to see, at least not yet, how Ahaziah died. Mabye 2 Kings will tell us. Was he assassinated? Was his whole family killed like what happened with his counterparts? I guess the only way to find out if these questions are addressed in 2 Kings is to come along with me when we go there next.
Father God, You know beginning and end. You know what man will do before he even does it. You knew Nedab (Jeroboam’s son), Elah (Baasha’s son) and Ahaziah (Ahab’s son) would walk in the ‘ways of their fathers’ but You gave them a chance. You give each man/woman a chance to make the most important decision of his/her life. The decision to choose You or to reject You. That decision lasts for eternity. And You give us that same chance EVERY DAY of our lives. It isn’t a “once in a lifetime opportunity” but its impact is for a ‘lifetime’. Thank You for stepping in front of me with that decision until I finally realized the importance of it. Thank You for ALL the chances You have given me, and still give me. I pray I make You proud to call me Your daughter. I am ELATED to call You my Father!