Proverbs 30:7-9 Balance Please

Agur asks God for two favors. The first is to have “lying lips” FAR from him. The second is to have balance in ‘wealth’. Not too much or too little.
I’m curious about this request being made. Was Agur feeling his death looming on the horizon or was this simply a request for God to complete the work speedily? I also want to know if he is asking for the lying lips and falsehood of others be removed far from him or if he wanted these removed from his own life.
Personally, I would be asking for both, but my first target of this prayer would be my own life. When you are used to lying to get your way, asking for this kind of help is an AMAZING step! It shows that God’s Holy Spirit finally broke through all the scars and is transforming the individual. If this prayer is for others using falsehood and lying lips against him, I can certainly understand that. It is HARD to live honestly in the face of dishonesty.
Lying lips of ANY source lead right into trouble. ALL those who even know of the Ten Commandments KNOWS that lying made the list. Satan is also the father of lies, so habitually lying leads one to wonder where their relationship with God really is. Take it from someone who has known, removal of BOTH is a blessing!!!
The second part of his request of the Father is something we should ALL be asking for! Help me find balance in my struggle with the finances. Don’t let money become your god. Having too much of it leads one to trust in money for their safety. Their time is also consumed with trying to keep what they have. Not having enough leaves, you constantly searching for ways to survive. This leaves little time to sit with the Lord. In both circumstances, money has taken over the focus in life; not God.
Father God, I want to always put YOU first in my life. I especially want all lies removed from my life; externally and internally generated. I leave my finances in Your hands. You have blessed me lately and allowed me to bless others. Thank You for those opportunities. Help me be a good steward of what You give me also.