Zephaniah 3:9-13 New Heart

God is creating a new heart for His people. It is for a time of peace yet to come. A time when His children lie down in peace and sin no more.
We know that THIS is a FUTHRE promise. Even though God has restored Israel, on more than one occasion, there has NEVER been a time when there is no sin found in her; or the rest of the world. I am not certain if God is referencing ALL nations in this passage or just Israel, but imagine being in a society such as that!
A place where there is no deceit. A place of peace. A place with humble leaders who seek God at EVERY turn. A place where there is no violence. A place without fear. One where God is at it’s center and radiates through EVERYTHING that transpires.
I wonder what kind of ‘work’ God will have for His people in this place. How will we “serve Him” during this time? I’m assuming the “offerings” being brought are offerings of praise and thanksgiving instead of reconciliation. Is our ‘service’ in worship or will He have some kind of ‘activity’ to occupy our time? Caring for one another, tilling the ground, tending the animals, raising children; any number of tasks that grow a healthy community.
To me, this would have to be a time AFTER the final battle with Satan. Jerusalem will certainly have a LARGE portion of this happen during Jesus’ reign but sin will still be present in the world, and more likely than not, even to some degree in Jerusalem. As AMAZING as the time when Jesus rules this earth will be, it will NOT be perfect. If it were, there would be no return to sin when Satan is released. None would follow him. And we KNOW that his forces will be myriads when the final battle occurs.
Do not get me wrong. I’m EXCITED to move into the time of the rapture and the Millennial Reign of Jesus. I’m looking forward to sitting at His feet and becoming part of His returning army of conquers. I simply know there is MUCH MORE to come. A time that still has another difficult time between the rests. Yet, a time that will last for eternity. A time without end OR sin.
Even though these glorious times are in the future, we can try and live in their example now. WE can be the ones who practice justice and truth in all we do. The ones who are humble and lowly. Who seek the Lord in ALL we do. No matter where we are or what our physical lineage, WE are His children when we surrender our lives to Him and accept Jesus’ substitution work on the cross on our behalf. And we can choose to live a life that honors Him.
No. We will not be perfect, but we can be perfectly forgiven. He can use our failures to motivate us to continued change as well as speak forgiveness to others. Little by little, EVERY DAY, we are growing in His way when we allow His Holy Spirit to speak into our lives. There is NO greater Teacher or Perfector of our faith.
Father God, I’m looking forward to the FINAL ending You have presented here. But I am also treasuring the journey to get to that place. EACH DAY with You is worth EVERYTHING! The days of joy and excitement. Days of sorrow and pain. Seasons of hard lessons. Days when it takes all I have just to get out of bed from exhaustion. EVERY day is precious. EVERY day brings me closer to You and to becoming the woman You created me to be. And that includes the days when I’m CERTAIN I’m moving backwards instead of forwards.
Thank You for putting the ultimate beauty in life before me so I will keep reaching. Thank You also for giving me victories along the way so I don’t give up trying. I’m not there yet. I STILL have a LOT of growing to do. And I KNOW I will be doing it under YOUR watchful eye and hands. One day I too will have that new heart!