Zechariah 12:1-9 God’s Salvation

God tells the people that HE will bring them salvation. God’s salvation will set Judah and Jerusalem apart in HIS strength and purpose.
This salvation is NOT something they could do or have earned on their own. It is a gift of God and it will start with their repentance. A gift from the very God who founded the universe itself. There is NONE greater. The words He speaks WILL come to pass.
When it comes to prophecies, I imagine that this one the people would grab onto with both hands. One that speaks of their strength and glory again. This would especially be enticing to a people who had just returned from exile. Who had no strength of their own to stand against those who would seek to harm them. But the complete fulfillment of “that day” is still in the future.
Parts of this prophecy, I believe, have already come to pass. I believe that Jesus is the “heavy stone” that will hurt those who try to lift it on their own. He is the “Chief Cornerstone” in the foundation of salvation that God has laid. There is NO way to salvation but through Him and those who try and ‘move Him out of the way’ will surely be hurt.
Jesus is also the salvation that is given to the tents of Judah first. Jesus wasn’t born in Jerusalem where a ruler would come from. He was born in a lowly stable and the lowest ranks of society were the first to share the news of His birth. The glory of the house of David surely comes from Jesus but God spoke first of the house Judah. This was the tribe David and finally Jesus would come through. Jesus is the GREATEST in glory. It’s interesting that people easily associate Jesus with the line of David but few focus on the aspect of His lineage through Judah and the promise given to Judah.
As for the portion of the prophecy stating that ALL the nations will be against Judah; that is quickly approaching the state of affairs today. There are only a few nations left that are supporting Israel. By this prophecy, we know that even those fill fall away before the end. As I understand the future (and remember that I am NOT a biblical scholar), Israel will be befriended by the Antichrist but even that relationship will sour when they refuse to accept him in place of God. When that happens, everyone will be against Israel.
ALL that God says in the prophecy will come to pass. From the first strings of salvation, given to Adam and Eve in the garden, to the completed tapestry that rests on Jesus’ shoulders as He reigns on this earth. Each step is the Lord’s Day and His doing.
“Then the clans of Judah shall say to themselves, ‘The inhabitants of Jerusalem have strength through the Lord of hosts, their God’” (verse 5). THIS is when they will know that Jesus is their Messiah; their only salvation. God will be watching over the ENTIRE process as He herds His children towards the truth. I bet He is waiting with great anticipation for them to reach that “ah-ha” moment.
Father God, thank You for that “ah-ha” moment in my life and for every one after that. I don’t even want to imagine my life without You! Thank You Lord Jesus for EVERY gift You have given me, from purchasing my salvation for me to listening to ALL my questions. Thank You Holy Spirit for directing my heart and mind forever towards the Lord. Thank You for authoring my imagination and encouraging it to dig deeper into the Word. Keep weaving that tapestry that is my part of Your magnificent work. Thank You for weaving me into Your plan of salvation Father God.