Zechariah 10:1-12 Bring them Home

“I will bring them home” declares the Lord. He promises His people that He will bring them ALL home; not just Judah. HE has a purpose for them.
God shows Zechariah a portion of the plans He has for Judah AND Israel. To date, there are ‘missing tribes’ still in the nation of Israel. When Cyrus sent the people back to their homeland, it was the people of Judah who returned home. This included the tribes of Judah, Benjamin, and some of the tribe of Levi. Those from Judah were the only ones still congregating together as a people. Israel was taken into captivity more than 130 years before Judah was taken. They were also taken by different kingdoms; although the kingdom that took Israel was taken by the kingdom that took Judah. During that 130+ years, the tribes of Israel were dissolved and dispersed. They did NOT stay together as a people as they had done in Egypt. But GOD KNEW where each and every one of them were AND are!
How is God going to bring the nation HE created back together? I haven’t a clue! But He says He WILL, and I believe EVERY WORD He utters. When the time is right, in HIS plan, HE will do this work. He has definite steps in His plan but He will not stop until ALL of it is accomplished.
God held the people of the kingdom of Judah together so He could bring our Redeemer through the very tribe He said He would come from. Judah returned, not only to the land but also to the Lord. Both pieces had to be in place for Jesus’ birth, ministry, death, and resurrection. And GOD made sure they were. God brought His Son through the tribe HE promised and maintained. And He promises that His Son will rule over a complete Israel. In HIS time, HE will restore ALL of Israel. He will make them strong; “He will make them like His majestic steed in battle” (verse 3b).
Because of the history to date, I believe this will happen during the time of the tribulation. We are told that 144,000 will be saved from ALL the tribes. Each tribe will have an equal share in that number. I believe they will be drawn back together from every nation where they have scattered by their dedication to the Lord. And they will find Jesus, the Messiah they rejected, as the source of their strength during that time. Those who come simply for the ‘name’ of being an Israelite will find no rest.
God keeps track of ALL His children. This incudes each of us. He watches over us as surely as those from His first covenant. He strengthens us for ‘battle’ in this world. For sharing His love and shouting the call to receive the FREE GIFT Jesus purchased of each of us. He knows those who will come and has prepared a place for them to serve in this world and a place to enjoy throughout eternity.
Father God, thank You for including me in Your family. I was not born of Israeli descent. I was born of Your new covenant. THANK YOU for the promise of being with You forever. THANK YOU for every step we take together on this side of paradise too! I will go where You send me, in whatever fashion that is. Make me Your instrument Father God.