Song of Songs 4:1-16a Her Beauty

The groom gazes with wonder at his bride. He sings of her beauty in every way he can imagine. This is the woman he has come to take home with him as his own.
It’s time now! The groom has arrived to claim his bride. The wedding procession will end with the wedding ceremony at the bridegroom’s house; the couple’s new house. This is the home that the groom has been working on since the betrothal.
Our groom is awe struck with the beauty of his bride. Yes, the two have met and spent time with one another before. But this special day puts a new layer of radiance on the face of the bride. Her eyes shine with excitement, and maybe a little bit of fear, at the future before her. Her groom is seeing her with the eyes of a lover and husband. She is the future for his namesake. She is BEAUTIFUL in his eyes!
The imagery used to describe the bride is a little foreign to me, but I can figure out what he is talking about with each comment. And for those that I have trouble with, Google will help me out. Let’s see what meaning the groom’s comments share about our bride.
Eyes like doves I looked up. I was thinking it would be something regarding their white feathers but it’s not. Instead, it referrers to personal qualities shining out through her eyes; meekness, mildness, gentleness, tenderness and affection. I would stick in there loyalty as the dove the one who was loyal to return to Noah after being sent out. He/she may have been returning to its mate more than to Noah, but return it did and with proof of new life on the earth.
Teeth like shorn ewes come up from the washing possibly means teeth free of debris. They are freshly scrubbed and have no coating or covering on them. They are also symmetrical in number on both sides of the mouth. No decay or absent teeth.
Lips like a scarlet thread would indicate deep color without being too full. It also has a pleasing shape.
Cheeks like pomegranates would be round and red in coloring. Full, especially when she smiles.
Neck like the tower of David might be referring to its height or its sturdiness. The tower is above all its neighbors on all sides. It is also is straight, equally balanced built to last! It also supports the jewels placed on it with grace.
The comment on her breasts I had to look up too. Their explanation didn’t actually match what was written here. I’m thinking young and full of life. The definition mentions providing nourishment, but the gazelle provides the nourishment, not the fawns. Yet the breasts are meant to nourish our young.
He longs to spend time with her. To go away to the mountains and hills. He beacons her to come away with him, away from the land of her birth. To him she is the most beautiful woman ever!
God looks on us and sees beauty too. It is not the beauty that man sees. God looks on our hearts. He looks for the gentleness within. This usually shines out through our eyes too.
He looks for commitment too, which might equate with caring for your teeth. It takes commitment to keep your teeth free of decay.
The mouth is the means easiest suited to share His love with others. Speaking truth at all times instead of lies.
Maybe the cheeks speak of happiness or joy in the soul. It’s hard to have full cheeks without laughter. The smile brings them their fullness.
With the neck, I’m kind of lost when it comes to spiritual meaning. Could it refer to not turning to the right or left when it comes to serving the Lord. My mom says that my dad may be the head of the house but she is the neck that turns the head.
The last reference is to the breasts. The breasts offer nourishment but they are also near the heart. To me, this represents our center with God and our need of His spiritual nourishment.
God definitely wants to spend time with us! He wants to walk with us through our entire journey; all the way home. And He calls me “beautiful” regardless of man’s description of my outward appearance. Here are a few other things God has called you (me). Unique, Psalm 134:13; Special, Ephesians 2:10; Lovely, Daniel 12:3; Precious, 1 Corinthians 6:20; Strong, Psalm 18:35; and Chosen, John 15:16. These are a on a picture painted for me by one of my co-grandparents. I get to see it every day and remember what God says I am to Him.
On a funny note, when reading this passage I was reminded of something my mom used to repeat when I was younger. It was a joke so don’t take any of it to heart. It is a tongue in cheek description of a woman.
“Your hair is like silk; corn silk. Your eyes are like pools; cesspools. Your nose is like a little crooked river; it runs all the time. Your lips are like pedals; bicycle pedals. Your ears are like flowers; cauliflower.”
Thank You Father God for seeing me as desirable and beautiful even when my life was covered in sin. Help me to see myself as YOU see me! I am very quick to disparage myself, especially my outward appearance. I get wrapped up in comparing myself to others. But, beyond being healthy, outsides mean nothing in Your eyes. This body is a container for my spirit as it moves through this life. Make my spirit beautiful Father. Where there are stains, wash them with Jesus’ blood. Where there are doubts, strengthen them with faith. Where there is anger, melt it with Your Spirit. Let me become exactly how YOU see me. ‘Corn silk’ and ‘cauliflower’ have beauty too!