Romans 16:1-16 The Family Tree

In today’s reading Paul is mentioning by name some very important people. They are not important because of some title or social standing they hold, but by how they have contributed to the family of God.
I’m not sure if these people were on their way to the group Paul was writing to, neighbors to this group, or even part of the congregation in Rome. Maybe there are some from each of these possibilities. Paul felt so moved by their contributions to the gospel though that he mentions them by name and deed.
I imagine God introducing us that way to one another. My introduction would be pretty short, especially compared to Billy Graham’s. The song Thank You for Giving to the Lord comes to mind when I think about this. Can you imagine the line of people waiting to greet Paul? It would go on forever since we are still touched by him through his writing.
I wonder if Epaenetus was the one who first brought the gospel to Rome. Maybe it was Prisia and Aquila. They worked with Paul quite a bit. Paul was not the founder of the Roman church but his teachings were very familiar to them. He also felt he had enough authority over them to “remind” them of the truths of their salvation. I wonder in whose home this body of believers first met. I guess that is a question I will have to stand in line to have answered.
Father God, thank You for introducing me to Jesus first and foremost. That introduction came through Your servants Paul and John and Peter and Matthew and Luke and… Without them sharing Your word I don’t know how we would have ever met. Thank You for introducing Yourself to me through my parents too. For as long as I can remember they have been sharing Your words and Your love with me. They didn’t always get it perfect but You never failed to make up the difference. I pray I was half as good at introducing You to my children as my parents were for me. I wonder what You will say as an introduction for them in Heaven. What deeds and attributes will You boast about? I will boast about their love right now. Thank You for the family You blessed me with, both biological and through marriage.