Psalm 94:1-23 God of Vengeance

God is a God of love but He is also a God of vengeance. He WILL pay the evildoer back for his works. He also pays back the righteous.
In this world it is hard watching the wicked get their way. From the murder of innocence to corruption in government, wickedness surrounds us like a cesspool. We are swimming in it! God PROMISES that there will be consequences for such deeds, even if we don’t see it in our lifetime (or even theirs).
Not ONE act on this earth has gone without His notice. Not one life has marched by that He didn’t examine. Not one act of evil has been done that He didn’t see. And not one act of righteousness that He didn’t record.
Our psalmist is appalled by the evil that he sees going on around him. I have a feeling he is living in the time of Israel’s exile as he speaks of the nations rising up against Israel. He KNOWS that God has promised to hear His people when they cry out to Him but he is wondering how much longer they have to wait to see God’s hand of vengeance on those who are oppressing Israel. “How much longer will this evil be allowed to go on?”
A couple things absent from this psalm are: how Israel got into this predicament in the first place and repentance for their sins. Israel didn’t get here overnight. God exercised great patience with them. He held back from punishing them for every infraction until it got to the point that their sin reached Heaven. And His justice demanded that He respond to their sin too with vengeance.
“How long with this evil go on” is determined by how long until His people listen again with their whole hearts. When the lesson is learned the correction is lifted. Our world is STILL in the throes of learning the greatest lesson there is; that God loves them and wants them to turn to Him. Each. And. Every. Person.
There is still MUCH evil in the world. There IS an end to it coming but that end is not yet. EACH person along the way WILL be judged for their lives as they stand before God. NO ONE escapes into eternity without being weighed and measured. And justice demands that there be a recompense for both evil and righteous works.
If we were ALL to stand before God on our own merits we would ALL be found guilty of sin. But God sent His Son to pay the price for our sins and robe us with HIS righteousness as we stand before the Lord. This substitution is available for ANY who would receive it. This is the ONLY way past God’s vengeance. It is the ONLY way into eternal life! Accept the FREE gift that Jesus holds for you; His payment for your sins.
There IS an end to the waiting of “How long.” Don’t be caught on the wrong side of that end. The wicked will NOT escape.
Father God, I deserve the judgment of the wicked too but because of Jesus I am made righteous instead. THANK YOU for that gift! I am also grateful to know that evil WILL be punished in the end. It would be HORRIBLE to think men like Hitler could get away with all the atrocities that he committed, ordered, and inspired. Each person WILL be held accountable for their actions. Thank You that mine are covered under the blood.