Psalm 93:1-5 Trustworthy

Our psalmist shares how deeply we can trust in the character of our Lord. He is beyond reproach and limits. His promises are trustworthy for ALL generations.
This is a short but powerful praise to our Lord. Even raging floodwater, the most chaotic thing our psalmist can imagine, hold NOTHING in comparison to the power of our God. He created the entire universe and holds it together with His word.
I have NOTHING to fear. There is NOTHING beyond the control and notice of my God. He holds my whole life in His hands. He holds ALL eternity in His hands and He has already decreed what will be. Satan has NO power to stop it. Man cannot derail it. He said it, and that’s all that is necessary for it to happen.
I went to my bible helps to help me understand this psalm better. One thing they repeated several times was that God had power over this world to maintain the “moral order of the universe” because it “reflects God’s own character and is therefore stable and reliable.” In today’s society we see a decay of that “moral order” in man. God told us through Isaiah it would happen: “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter” (Isaiah 5:20).
God knew Satan would continue to corrupt man’s nature. But that doesn’t mean that things are beyond His control. If you have any doubt of that, look back in the history of Israel and see how He brought His people back in line time and time again. He holds fast through the entire process of bringing about His plans. He allows us to make mistakes but He doesn’t let us go so far that He can’t redeem us. Even at the lowest point for man, the time of the flood, God was still able to redeem His creation and restore us onto His path.
When God says it is time for an end, it will happen. Not one moment before or after. He is in control, even when He allows us to make our own mistakes and for Satan to think that he is winning. God uses EVERY moment of this time in a way that will ultimately benefit us. “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose” (Romans 8:28).
Does that mean that everything that happens to us is God’s doing and His will? I don’t believe so. But what it does mean is that, NO MATTER WHAT, God can redeem what has happened in our lives IF we let Him. Give Him your pain. He can turn it into joy. Surrender to Him your anger and resentment and He can give you a heart of understanding in its place. EACH trial, lesson, hard place we walk through CAN become a BEAUTIFUL part of our tapestry when we give it into His hands. He won’t pry it from your hands and force you to see things His way but He will encourage you and hold out His hands to receive it as long as it takes for you to release it.
Father God, there are so many things that I have held onto for FAR too long. The chaos that rolls around in my mind sometimes is beyond my understanding and ability to right. There are issues that I struggle with on a daily basis; frustration and ‘fitness’ being two of my primary ones. I KNOW I will never be struggle free until I stand in Your presence but I sure would like to turn loose of these repeat offenders. I trust that You can make something beautiful out of my process. I lay them, again, in Your hands. I trust You, my God, Creator of the universe, to know exactly what is necessary for my life to become what You created it to be. I wonder how You will use these lessons some day for Your glory. I KNOW You will and I trust You with the outcome AND the process. There is none like You God! Trustworthy and true through and through.