Psalm 87:1-7 God’s City

Our author sings of the glory of God’s city with a look towards the future. A future where ALL nations come together in praise to our God in His holy city.
I will freely admit that this psalm had me scratching my head after reading it. I couldn’t figure out what the artist was trying to convey. So I turned to my bible helps. I’m very grateful for their guidance and perspective.
This psalm is a forward looking one that sings about a time when people of ALL nations can claim ties to God’s holy city, Zion. This includes Gentiles and enemies of Israel as part of those who praise and worship God. It also links us non-Jews to Him is a special way. It calls us His CHILD. “’This one and that one were born in her’; for the Most High Himself will establish her/ The Lord records and He registers the peoples” (verses 5b-6a).
I wonder if this ‘recording’ is a reference to the Lamb’s Book of Life. This is where God writes EVERY name of those who are His children. He uses PERMENANT ink. Those who truly ask Him to be their Lord and Savior will NOT be “blotted out” of His book. This is how I understand His word.
Just imagine how many erasures and rewrites there would be if God wrote us out every time we sinned. He has ADOPTED us as His sons and daughters. There is no such thing as un-adopting. Our ‘rewards’ may suffer but never our status as His child. I have no idea how I got off on this but I’m assuming someone needed to hear it and the Spirit let me wander a bit.
Is this psalm a picture of the millennial reign with Christ? Jesus will make Jerusalem His seat of power. ALL the nations will come to Him in this city to worship Him. ALL will be under His rule. They will have their origins in Him.
Since the time of Jesus’ work on the cross, this psalm has been coming to pass. We who were not born into the physical bloodline of Israel already have a Spiritual bloodline that ties us to the same God who called Israel His own. We too can boldly say “I was born into His family; I was born there.” We are born of His Spirit when He gives life to our spirit.
For today and forever Father, THANK YOU! Thank You for adopting me as Your daughter. Thank You for making me part of Your family, FOR LIFE. This is NOT something I could ever do on my own or have earned. It is a MARVELOUS gift from You. THANK YOU for that gift of life!
Someday I will see YOU city. I will stand with others from every nation, tongue, and tribe and TOGETHER sing Your praises. That is a day I’m looking forward to! I wonder what songs we will sing. Will we sing until we have no voices left? I can’t imagine singing for any less than eternity. I LOVE singing now; how much better will it be then?